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Author Topic: I never got a Liscence key with SS2006?  (Read 9550 times)


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Re: I never got a Liscence key with SS2006?
« Reply #25 on: June 20, 2008, 08:23:24 »

Maybe it was just a general error Nathan? maybe the company that produced these copies of the game just missed yours or maybe a few as regards to lisence key.

If you read its not an error the first version of the game (in german) didn't have license keys. (LK) was introduced in a later version.


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Re: I never got a Liscence key with SS2006?
« Reply #26 on: June 21, 2008, 07:52:06 »

what good is that? :D
Kind Regards,

Jaap van Ganswijk

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Re: I never got a Liscence key with SS2006?
« Reply #27 on: July 09, 2008, 17:40:09 »

I bought Schiff Simulator 2006 from a German shop called "Media Markt" and i've just found out today that Ship Sim 2006 is meant to come wih a Liscence key. But i've looked everywhere on the CD Case, and there isn't a liscence key to be found!!??

This probably explains why i can't download SS2006 Patches, because i haven't registered it. Maybe i haven't got a key because i bought the version of the game with a case like this??? :


Here in the Netherlands I found Media Markt to be very helpfull when something was wrong with CD-keys: I bought the gold version of a game and from the original game the CD-key and the booklet were missing, so they opened another of the same product and it had the same flaw. Thereupon they opened an original version of the game and gave me the booklet and CD-key from that package. I have the highest regards for the service level of Media Markt (also in another case, but I don't remember what that was about.) But of course it helps to have proof that you bought the product there. (Have you checked your bank statement?) Another route is to approach the publisher. Just include an original picture in the email of the case and product and documentation as you bought it. Don't start nogeciations, just send all the data you have. These people have other things to do.

BTW. In my case the code was on a sticker inside the DVD-style box.

Another alternative is just to buy a new version of the game (I haven't
paid more than 10 euro for it I think) and check in the store at
the check-out counter that the CD-key is present.

Please also consider that games devaluate quite quickly from
50 euro to 20 euro half a year later to 10 euro or less about
two years later. You can't expect them to give you the 50 euro
treatment a year later...

But I admit that they should be easier about CD-Keys and requiering
the original CD to be in the drive. I am a games collector but it means
I have a stack of about 50 CD/DVD-ROM's near my PC and sometimes
the stack collapses...


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Re: I never got a Liscence key with SS2006?
« Reply #28 on: July 09, 2008, 19:35:03 »

Good evening Jaap van Ganswijk and welcome to the forum.

If you take a look at the start of this thread, the original question was asked on April 1st, which is a considerabel length of time ago. Please try to avoid resurrecting old threads, thanks.  ;)

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