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Author Topic: Top speeds  (Read 3530 times)


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Top speeds
« on: March 29, 2008, 00:17:07 »

hallo! after investing in a new computer i really leveled up my enjoyment of shipsim and spent the last two days  really much time with it.

so i tried all ships enjoying new graphic levels and by this way, did somebody really noticed it?, many of the ships are TOO FAST!

i searched the net for the real ships with real data and found some examples:

ocean star: the real thing, pretty sure the carnival legend or one of her sisterships has a top speed of 24kt and a service speed of 22kt. here i can go in calm waters easily 26kt with it.

agile solution: i,m not sure what real ship it should be (but one of the common multipurpose feederships) , but being able to go over 18-19kt with it i searched the net and found not any ship achieving this in the class of the agile solution. this small feeder ships top all out about 13-15kt, i found some very few achieving top 16.5 kts , but like said, none 19kt!

red jet 4: it goes over 43kt, the real one (build in australia) at trials 41kt with service speed not more than 36.

i have written something about the top speed of the red jet before and now tried also the other ships.
when we speak about the TOP speed of the real ship, its mostly the trail result with good sea conditions and little load, so these speeds should be in the sim the absolute maximum achievable , its no problem when you in some situations have to go more slowly. also in real life the ship in every day business also barely achieves speed.

and there are examples in shipsim.

e.g the sherpa, the vermaas and the PoR seem to be very fine modelled in this manner. so a big please for the next patch vstep, please set the speeds correctly at all vessels. this should be easy to do and since there are no war ships with classified data, the performance of the real ships is easily available. since we have not entry to the files for editing the real values its my only chance that it changes.

its ship and not racesimulator :-)

one more question to the PoR: i have redownloaded the whole sim, patch 1.3 and NH yesterday on my new computer and kick me, beat me shout at me... but can it be that the turning rates of the PoR are increased again at the data of the yesterday download??? especially the reaction for contra propelling and slow speed manouvering? i had to learn some time for mooring it with the new characteristics at 1.3 and now i have the fealing she reacts more directly... it normaly cannot be, i have the 1.4 version with NH and no changes should be here....

 please seriously think about my comments on the wrong top speeds, thank you very much in advance!


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Re: Top speeds
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2008, 00:46:18 »

Hello ACR :)

First of all I agree with you that some of the present top speeds don't match the ones of the originals, but none of the vessels act exactly as the originals. If you want a simulator that is exact, you have to spend a 1000 times as many € as you did on SS.

Ocean star is not Carnival Legend - Ocean Star is Ocean Star and acts like Ocean Star with a top speed of 26 knots...  ;)

Agile Solution is not Deo Volente  ;) ;) which has a ballast top speed of 18,5 knots and 17,5 loaded (http://www.hartmanseatrade.nl/) but I think the speed is realistic.

Pride of Rotterdam was bugged in v1.3 so the Pride of Rotterdam is actually the model used before the release of v1.3. Top speed is 19-20 knots which is 2 knots below the original. However, the dynamics are still being improved so I believe you will see a much better Pride of Rotterdam very soon. I promise I will do my best to make it happen.



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Re: Top speeds
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2008, 01:26:28 »

thanks much for your quick reply!

i fully agree that we cannot get full real ship reaction at a entertainment product at this price. my request was due to the hope that setting correct values for things like tops speed could be an easy deal (i may be wrong, but that should be only 
a setting at the files and not so difficult like balaning with ships dynamics) and so in an easy manner improve simulating the real thing.

when the PoR tops out at about 20kt, so 2 knots below it real top speed it seems absolute ok and  more real than e.g let their top out 2kt above their top speed.

like said, we simulate here shipping at everyday business of the ships and not trial tests by the shipyard.

thanks also very much for he link to the deo volente, you really surpized me because she seems to be very fast in real ( with 18.5 ballast and 17.5 loaded).

i would suggest to set her top speed at rougly 17 knots simulating loaded shipping.

i very appreciate your further work in improving ship dynamics like you wrote about the PoR and i,m very exited for further updates.

so i really hope that e.g adjusting top speeds to relaistic values will not mess up other ship dynamics and you so can think about it without being this an disproportional effort on development work.

best regards!

Third Mate

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Re: Top speeds
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2008, 10:15:26 »

Speaking of top speeds,

The RMS Titanic goes a max of 21knots but her original speed is 24knots which it says in ship info in SS08 according to this link below.Hmmm....NOW is't that a bit strange... ::)


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