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Author Topic: A little disappointed  (Read 11187 times)


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Re: A little disappointed
« Reply #25 on: March 30, 2008, 22:52:44 »

Yeah the bugs are relatively small and you are right that the missions that count towards rank should have been tested way more than this one was.  Having submitted my first mission I see though that some of the CMM's have very high standards which is good.  Wish the custom ones that go thru that testing would have a rank assigned to them. 

On the stop at the sailboat part.  They probably figured that if you have NH then by then you would figure out that if you are checking out something you would have to slow down to take a look!!  I happened to hit it at perfect timing where there was a Vermass coming within inches of the sailboat when I was trying to approach it!!  Looked like it was gonna run over it but missed barely! 

Overall a nice mission and worth doing over and over again!


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Re: A little disappointed
« Reply #26 on: March 31, 2008, 19:49:13 »

Well, I not only slowed down for the look at the sailboat, but decided to salvage it and tow it behind the AS.  Upon zoning into Rotterdam, my AS was 300 meters in the air, upside down and NO yacht in tow.



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Re: A little disappointed
« Reply #27 on: April 01, 2008, 01:01:09 »



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Re: A little disappointed
« Reply #28 on: June 05, 2008, 18:48:35 »

flight simultor x has a RRP of £29.99

ship simulator has a RRP of £39.99

and if i had known ship sim  coved so little and had so little ships i would have got flight sim as it just seems the better buy even flight simulator 2004 seems better than ship sim
« Last Edit: June 05, 2008, 18:50:13 by pauljanaway1 »


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Re: A little disappointed
« Reply #29 on: June 06, 2008, 00:57:45 »

Regardless of the 'issue' I have come up against, I still love the simulation and hope to be able to complete the standard missions one day (Tried 'Leaving the new terminal' in 1.4 but still no go as the ship cant berth close to the wharf).

Hopefully all will be fixed before the 2008 part of SS2008 is 2009.


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Re: A little disappointed
« Reply #30 on: June 06, 2008, 05:21:08 »

The situation with “Leaving new terminal”:
It is obvious from your first view of Vermaas that there is no point continuing because it will not be possible to load the containers. You can tell from the green loading pointer that the waypoint has not been offset forward, as it must be.
The location chosen for the crane is not deep enough for Vermaas. That is why, after mooring the stern, the bowthruster can’t push her into the waypoint circle. You can verify this in the ME by mooring Vermaas at that location. She will list to starboard, and slide out when cast off.
The location of the inland ship at the stern mooring is not a bug. It is intended to make it difficult, but not impossible, to moor. That vessel is eye candy and cannot be moved.
If the radii of the mooring waypoints were increased, one might still be able to moor within reach of the jib. Alternatively, if you cast off after mooring the stern you might be able to complete the bow waypoint by approaching at an angle. Then you could reposition and moor parallel and close enough—maybe. Remember that you need to be lined up parallel to the crane in order for the containers to drop into position.
Finding a wharf with sufficient depth for Vermaas and enough clear space for the crane is difficult.


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Re: A little disappointed
« Reply #31 on: July 29, 2011, 18:23:45 »

I've tried every possible approach to the cargo terminal in this mission, and there's no way to moor the Vermaas's bow--I'm confident of that.  As you said, simply adding a larger green circle would have fixed the problem; that's why I'm sure this one was never playtested.  In a game that proclaims itself to be a simulation, it's absurd to think that a container ship is supposed to list at a terminal--that would make loading containers risky, to say the least!  And these severe glitches in the missions (which we are paying for, by the way, along with the vessel packs) aren't limited to one or two places--they're widespread.  Based on what I've seen in gameplay so far, I wouldn't be surprised if at least 10% of the scenarios supplied are unplayable.  I've already counted four missions that I can throw on the scrapheap, and I've played maybe a third of the missions on the list. If VSTEP wants to see a profit from this game, unplayable missions shouldn't be acceptable.


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Re: A little disappointed
« Reply #32 on: July 29, 2011, 18:38:49 »

As you are new to the game and have re-opened a very old topic, I would like to say that your comments are very unjustified. You have obviously not studied the forum and the numerous topics in the missions board. I would suggest that you do so before making further derogatory comments. The particular mission in question has been raised many times and it is well known as a non starter. However there are in fact over 200 missions which can be downloaded, virtually all of which work perfectly. If I remember correctly there are 5 (I think)  of the missions included in the game which can be a problem. In some cases this is due to an update causing a problem in an already made mission. There are an awful lot though that are good ones. Your suggestion that you feel that at least 10% of the missions are unplayable indicates to me that you cannot have played many of them at all.
BTW if you register yourself on the forum you will actually find that you have access to far more helpful stuff.

« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 19:07:13 by Traddles »
Retired, UK foreign going Masters Ticket.


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Re: A little disappointed
« Reply #33 on: July 29, 2011, 19:11:04 »

I would add that, because he is not a registered owner of SS2008, he does not have access to much of the forum—in particular the Missions board where mission problems are discussed in depth, and corrected versions of most missions are available.
We also do not know the version and build numbers. He probably does not have any of the updates that correct those problems.


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Re: A little disappointed
« Reply #34 on: July 30, 2011, 04:41:36 »

I am in fact a registered owner of both ShipSimulator 2008 and New Horizons and have been playing it off and on for about a year or so.  I've got V.1.4 build 1038--not sure if that's the latest one for 2008.  I've just done a count of the missions that I have--there are about 85 on my computer of which I've played 40--more than I thought. You're correct; most of them have no problems, but the 4 that do out of 40 is indeed 10%.  I'm not saying I don't enjoy the game--overall, I do, but there is room for improvement.  As a consumer who's invested time and money, I feel perfectly justified in making complaints--after all, if the developers never hear them, they don't know what needs work.  But I've read enough of the forum to know that I've had the same glitches as practically everyone else, so I'm aware that they know.   

My point is that downloading numerous patches to fix individual missions shouldn't be necessary. Most PC games require patches, of course, but I just feel it's excessive in this case.  I haven't yet played the latest installment in the ShipSim series, so I have no way of knowing whether the game platform and mechanics have been improved since '08.  Anyway, this is still a game that I enjoy enough to continue to play and update.  Just view my comments as constructive criticism--I should be able to offer that despite not having played as much as you guys have.  I'm not normally the kind of person who jumps to conclusions or makes unjustified complaints--sorry if I've stepped on any toes here!  I am aware of the great amount of work that goes into designing sims and scenarios like these.



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Re: A little disappointed
« Reply #35 on: July 30, 2011, 19:59:04 »

Hi Stephen1912,

I'd like to clarify what was meant with registered user. I suspect you understand this to mean that you have activated your game and the NH addon with your license keys perhaps.

But what was meant was registering your license keys in your forum profile too. When you register your SS08 license key on the forum, you will have access to the entire forum, including the missions boards. On there, you can find fixes for some missions already, that you might now miss. As far as I know, there have been fixed versions released that should render all your troubled missions playable again.

And, as a bonus, you can also download a free addon vessel from your forum profile after you're registered. The 'Jumbo Javelin'. Which is a great vessel, so don't miss out!  :thumbs:

If you go to your forum profile and scroll down a bit, you will come across the license key registration box. Only the SS08 key is needed to get full acccess to the SS08 boards and the bonus vessel, but it can't hurt to register all the keys you might have, if only for safekeeping alone. Once you're registered, then you'll find the download link to the bonus vessel in there as well, a bit further down.

Hopefully that clears it up a bit.

Kind regards,



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Re: A little disappointed
« Reply #36 on: July 30, 2011, 21:58:25 »

Thanks for clarifying that for me, Fred--I'll go ahead and register my ShipSims on the forum and "re-commission" some of these missions! I was under the mistaken impression that the keys served for both activation and registration. Thanks also for letting me know about the Jumbo Javelin addon--I saw the description in the Shipyard--it looks like a pretty interesting ship.   I've spent a lot of time in Free Roaming with the Furie and Elbe; both of those are a lot of fun, too  :captain:

Best Regards,

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