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Author Topic: Ideas and Suggestions For New Ship Simulator  (Read 50174 times)


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Ideas and Suggestions For New Ship Simulator
« on: November 03, 2019, 16:28:54 »

Hey everyone,

I think it would be cool if we added our ideas/suggestions for the developers to look at about new things for the upcoming Ship Simulator.

My list of ideas/suggestions: (get ready)

=>Please PLEASE keep MS Oceana in the new ship sim game, I LOVE that ship! :D

=>Ability to Anchor in both Single-player and Multi-player.

=>Ability to moor to docks in both Single-player and Multi-player.

=>Types of ships: Aircraft Carriers, Coast Guard Ships, Cruise Ships, Freighters, Hovercrafts, Tug Boats, Yachts.)

=>Bow waves.

=>Bow/Stern Thrusters for ships that have them.(must have for me)

=>Let water spray stick to windows.

=>Ships with Bridge wings and controls on them.

=>Ships with Jet Propulsion like the White Marlin would be EPIC!

=>The new state of the art feature/mechanic that allows the larger ships such as Freighters to adjust the pitch of the propeller blades without having to wait for them to reverse direction to slowdown or reverse.
(Yes this is a thing, I know someone personally that worked for Canadian Steam Ship Lines for 30+ years.)

=>I will add more as I think of things.

Anyone got ideas too, post them here! :D
« Last Edit: November 03, 2019, 22:09:08 by boatsimrocks25 »
"Ship Sim Extremes Woohoo!"

"Oceana© is and always will be my Favorite Ship in the Ship Sim© Series

Eustache le Moff

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions For New Ship Simulator
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2019, 20:43:07 »

Just one wish:

Keep the Mission Editor simple. (More or less in the way it was in SS2008, maybe with some more options, rather than the extremely complicated SSE version.)

P.S.: It seems to me that sailing ships are very difficult to simulate, due to both the animation of the rigging and the dynamics which are depending on either the direction and the force of the wind. That there are two different kinds of wind propulsion (impact pressure and aerodynamic "lift") may increase the problems.
But maybe I'm wrong. If so, there could be some sailing ships in the game. This might perhaps attract some players to whom Virtual Sailor is too competitive.

Best wishes

aka Eustache le Moff



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Re: Ideas and Suggestions For New Ship Simulator
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2019, 01:37:09 »

As long as there is an RPA12 I will be happy :]


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions For New Ship Simulator
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2019, 02:15:54 »

As long as there is an RPA12 I will be happy :]
Yes that ship is awesome!

The Cutter and Fairmount Sherpa, ,Bugsier.
"Ship Sim Extremes Woohoo!"

"Oceana© is and always will be my Favorite Ship in the Ship Sim© Series


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions For New Ship Simulator
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2019, 14:43:53 »

The Pride of Rotterdam and some vessels of the Royal Netherlands Navy like HNLMS Tromp, an LPD like HNLMS Johan de Witt and a supply vessel like HNLMS Karel Doorman.


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions For New Ship Simulator
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2019, 07:41:31 »

The ability to use VR like Okolus Rift, Pimax and so on..


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions For New Ship Simulator
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2019, 17:28:57 »

A ship like Dockwise (heavy cargo). Before the very first launch of Ship Simulator (2006) there was a ship like this available at a meeting at the VSTEP office for those who would become testers... It never was in-game, maybe this will be a new chance. It will give extra opportunities for loading, as now there are no possibilities anymore as in former days with loading on a containervessel with a crane....

« Last Edit: February 23, 2020, 14:33:22 by Rooster24 »


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions For New Ship Simulator
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2019, 18:40:17 »

Good evening to all
As far as I'm concerned, I hope that the creators of this simulator keep in mind all the variables that can be encountered in reality, that come as close as possible, at least, I know it's not easy, but I trust in them, to have the feeling of leading a vehicle like being present at that moment, obviously it will never be like reality, commanding a vehicle from a keyboard and mouse and quite another thing to have a console available that does all the work or at least the most important ones like the machine controls and the maneuvering propellers, for the rest any means decide to insert any preference for me, even if I prefer tugs in general, since it is my work in reality.
Greetings and good wind


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions For New Ship Simulator
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2019, 17:44:28 »

If possible make a nice cruise terminal for the river cruise ships and if possible whe can have more inland shipping missions like going from rotterdam to dordrecht and maybe the rheine from cologne to mannheim or something. It should be nice if whe have some locks always interesting for some enjoying


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions For New Ship Simulator
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2019, 18:13:36 »

Great news! Nautis.
Hopefully the developers keep in mind the loyal fleet that played 06, 08 and SSE i.e. everyone on this forum
when it comes to pricing model,DLC etc.
Apart from that an overloaded Multi player again!
Server based environments with real weather data and I'd be happy on the Agile Solution!


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions For New Ship Simulator
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2019, 20:50:54 »


Extremely glad to see the sim coming back to us all.........been waiting a long time. Now to brush the dust off my home sim project with real ship controls...finally.

As a suggestion and a wish at least, I hope that VStep will allow the Conning screen, Radar and ECDIS to be assigned to different monitors and have some functionality as real nav aids (or at least a few buttons, dials for VRM, EBL etc), plus the ship control interface will work with various boards such as those from Leo Bodnar.

Looking forward to 2020!!!

All the very best for New Year!




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Re: Ideas and Suggestions For New Ship Simulator
« Reply #11 on: December 27, 2019, 17:29:07 »

@pieter64 which is this game


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions For New Ship Simulator
« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2019, 20:19:39 »



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Re: Ideas and Suggestions For New Ship Simulator
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2020, 09:30:30 »

And a better way to do key validation for the DLC's.


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions For New Ship Simulator
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2020, 22:41:09 »

Great to see this simulator come back!

A feature rich mission editor, allowing some interesting scenarios to make up.

Adding ship models.

Also world environments, would be great to be able to add our own environment if possible.

Looking forward to it! Thanks.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2020, 23:03:54 by bradinggs »


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions For New Ship Simulator
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2020, 14:47:29 »

And what about the Abeille Bourbon in France, a wonderfull tugboat !!


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions For New Ship Simulator
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2020, 19:31:12 »

Salvage/Rescue Vessel NENE HATUN

i would like it added
« Last Edit: February 27, 2020, 16:48:29 by quickwz »


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions For New Ship Simulator
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2020, 21:11:06 »

and whay about this one  : Astrolabe P800


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions For New Ship Simulator
« Reply #18 on: March 22, 2020, 04:36:57 »

Oh. Man. A new sim from VSTEP. I remember playing both SS2008 and SSE, but was never truly satisfied. Don't get me wrong, these are some great products, but there was just something missing, something I can't put my finger on...

Oh, wait, that's right: add-ons.

And by add-ons, I don't mean paid DLC or user-made missions. I mean things like new ships, new environments, new ways to play.

For example: who here has heard of the show TUGS? It was made by the same crew of Thomas & Friends in 1988, and involved two rival tugboat fleets competing for contracts in a pastiche of 1920s New York known as Bigg City Port. The show mainly focused on the tugboat characters, but also had a wide variety of other vessels, such as ocean liners, trampers, schooners, a submarine, a lightship, barges, cranes both floating and landlocked, a ferry, shrimpers, buoys, a seaplane, among many others. It only lasted for thirteen episodes thanks to TVS going bankrupt (before Sodor Island Fansite started doing intense research and interviewing those involved with the show, it was commonly believed Britt Allcroft, who was showrunner for Thomas' first five seasons, had demanded its cancellation for being too similar to Thomas, when in truth, she actually rescued quite a few of the models used in TUGS, one of whom, Big Mickey the hammerhead crane, began speaking in Thomas' 21st season). With user-made content, we can have ALL of this, and not rely on what few TUGS models have been made for N3Vs Trainz Simulator (of which I'm an avid user).

Other user-made content could be simpler things, like other vessels such as additional cruise ships, container ships, tankers, bulk carriers, tugboats, ocean liners, ferries, racing boats, warships, and others, environments like Los Angeles, San Diego, Monterey Bay (possibly as an addition to San Francisco since they're so close together), Hawaii, Tokyo Bay, the Rhine River, Shanghai (the busiest container port in the world), Halifax (setting of TUGS' spiritual successor, Theodore Tugboat), Southampton etc., and things that modify the game, such as changes to physics, graphical enhancements or changes, and a weapon system that allows warships to shoot and sink each other and other ships (I see many multiplayer servers dedicated specifically to warship combat, as well as trolls using said warships to sink players using unarmed vessels, which would require said players to convoy up).

I see alot of potential with NAUTIS Home. If VSTEP plays their cards right, they can blow SSE out of the water (pun entirely intended) and create the ultimate ship simulator.


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions For New Ship Simulator
« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2020, 18:06:36 »

The most important thing is go get a stable product. No strange glitches, artifacts and crashes.
I`ve used the Nautis simulator on different locations for training and it`s not really stable and often it takes a long time to start due to crashes or other components that are misbehaving. Once it`s running the software is brilliant.

Things that would improve Ship Simulator would be ships affected by wind and current.
Bolders throughout the environment.
Coop missions for 3 or 4 people. The Latitude coming into port driven by a player and two or three tugs driven by players for example.
VR Support. It worked quite well on the Nautis Simulator during docking.

But the most important is a stable product. SSE is still a flawed product and it was impossible to enjoy in multiplayer.


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions For New Ship Simulator
« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2020, 11:41:43 »

Something simple I would like to see is the ability to use two displays and to be able to use the second one as a chart plotter.

How it was in ship simulator 20008. Extremes is much better but I missed this function.


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions For New Ship Simulator
« Reply #21 on: May 10, 2020, 09:55:11 »

for me a good game or simulator must be modable, that you can create ships, environments, tools, textures a.s.o. for you and to share with the community. I think that makes a game better and more interesting over along time.

Im still playing msts and openrails after 19 years, cause i can change everything in this game, if the route, stations, buildings in the citys or rolling stock are changing in reality, you can change it in the game either.

It would be although nice to sail from one Port to another over a long distance without loading a new environment perhaps with a simulation rate where you can accelerate the time or slow it down or you can sail in realtime if you like.

best regards from Germany and stay health everbody!


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions For New Ship Simulator
« Reply #22 on: May 11, 2020, 15:18:21 »

There should be some specialized vessels, like a floating crane which a player could operate like that container crane in Ship Simulator 2008.
Also a hydrofoil like the Boeing Jetfoil would be nice.


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions For New Ship Simulator
« Reply #23 on: May 22, 2020, 20:18:33 »

I would love the ship at the Waddensea in the Netherlands with a ferry (TSO, Wagenborg, Doeksen) from Den Helder to Texel, Harlingen to Vlieland and Terschelling, Holwerd to Ameland and Lauwersoog to Schiermonnikoog or with a sailship sailing on the Waddensea. Feel the wind in the hairs, hear the gulls round the ship, see the seals on the sandbanks, tides (ebb en flow).


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions For New Ship Simulator
« Reply #24 on: February 16, 2022, 23:25:40 »

The sigita back but more playebal
The guardiaun from the netherlands coastgaurd
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