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info is as follows, can anyone help plz? any info would be gr8ly appreciated. if u need additional info let me know. thnx in advance

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Author Topic: ss 2006 starts after installing, but does not start after installing (add-on)  (Read 18954 times)

Smooth Custard

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  • Posts: 3

ss 2006 starts just fine when i install it. but when i install the add on (6 additional ships), quest viewer opens in a small box and loads like usual, but when it reaches 100% it does not start, instead the box flashes white and black along with the whole screen. i have an asus vx7. nvidia graphics, 16gb ram ect i'm well above the minimum recommended requirements. i tried trouble shooting and it was detected as a compatibility issue. the add on worked just fine on another laptop which only just met the minimum requirements so i'm not sure why the add on won't work. i have win prem and my license key is registerd. hope someone can help but i can't find anyone els with the same issue.     any ideas anyone? thnx     -custard
« Last Edit: June 23, 2016, 07:12:22 by Smooth Custard »

Mr Robville

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  • Posts: 2937

The game is probably booted from the Intel GPU instead of the Nvidia one. Try to fiddle with the switchable graphics settings as found in this topic in item 2:

This method applies to all ShipSim games.

Smooth Custard

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  • Posts: 3

hiho, thnx for your reply, i'm trying to make sense of this method, but i don't have a "Customize which programs use the GPU" button. all i have is a "nvidia geforce experience" button. which opens the control panel, updates and notifications. i had a look @ "manage 3d settings" and i'm not sure if thats the same thing as what is described in this method. i'll restart my laptop to see if it comes up, but if it doesn't then i don't have the "Customize which programs use the GPU" button. i'll post the outcome soon

Smooth Custard

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  • Posts: 3

i tried to add ship sim the "manage 3d settings" option but i'm not sure if it actually added it, also i don't know if i am meant to add shipsim 06 or quest viewer to manage 3d settings? i tried to add them both and the game still doesn't work. i don't have an option to run programs off nvidia, or if i do, i can't find it. i'm not sure why i could have the add on on my 10 year old compac that only just met the minimum requirements but the add on stops the whole game working on my nice and powerful asus vx7 which has a 560m graphics card.
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