If your menu is lacking any navigation buttons and looks similar to this:

Then your screen resolution is probably not native to the set resolution. When you go to the graphics settings, make sure that the set resolution equals your monitor's resolution. (E.G. If your monitor has 1600X900 pixels, an ingame resolution of 1920X1080 will exceed your monitor's boundaries, resulting in lost screenspace.) Alternatively, try to select a different refresh rate (shown behind the resolution e.g. 59hz 60hz 72hz).
On rare occasions, people cannot save this data. In such case you could try to manually adjust the configuration file for the game. You can do this by navigating to: C:\Users\<Your username>\Documents\ShipSimExtremes Userdata\.
Inside this folder there is a file called "EngineSettings.ini". Open this file with Notepad.
Once opened, find the lines:
Fill within these values your monitor's native resolution and refresh rate, then save the file. Once you load the game, the resolution should be set properly.