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Author Topic: I beg pardon for my error.  (Read 2565 times)


  • Forum member
  • Posts: 33
I beg pardon for my error.
« on: January 04, 2015, 03:40:58 »

Would like to say, I am sorry, that I posted this in the wrong Forum section. (the kids sections.)

By accident, I wasn't noticing which correct Forum section, it was meant to go to.

And now, is way late to bid you all, greetings.

I honestly, would have never ever, added a post there.

And I have no interest, to go there. (nothing against kids, 99%, of the time. Ha!)

Please, don't get me, wrong. It was by accident, and I regret it landing there.

It was meant for all you adults, to read and enjoy. (see the below.) 

Mind you as you can see, by way of content, would never offend anyone.

No wonder, I got no replies, how silly was that, of me.
(And good on all kids, who didn't reply. And their parents, too. My deepest regret to you all to.)

Hope I am not putting, myself in a bigger mess, with all this.

I am most regretful, about it all. Please delete it, from the kids forum.

Will try to be more mindful, next time. (And please, remind me and you are welcome to keep an eye, on me, too. So I don't slip up ever again.)


most regrettably,

PS. Belated Happy hew Year to you all, otherwise.


"Belated Christmas Greeting and NYE from DownUnder."

Pardon, to those in OZ, etc. Where Christmas has just past.

But, to those of you in other parts of the World, I hope I am not too, late.

However, wherever you are, have a good and safe Christmas and NYE.
(and for those who respectfully, see this day as just a nice day off, you take care, too. Please.)

Here, in OZ, depending on where you are, it's either going to be hot or rainy.

Even, in the State of Victoria around Melbourne and south of it, we have had Xmas as heatwave days. (Tasmania, too.)

Surfing Santa's (hee!) or making Snowmen, out of sand, way to go, mate, Ha!

Anyway, be kind to those you know, even those you don't. That is what it's suppose to be about.

No matter, who you are or where you hail (Hee!) from.

Take care.



PS I clean forgot to send this a day ago, etc. Whoops.
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