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Author Topic: Thought I'd drop in...  (Read 6015 times)


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Thought I'd drop in...
« on: December 13, 2013, 06:19:37 »

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening all,

Hope you're all keeping well!

For those of you who remember me, I thought I'd drop in and let you know how I'm progressing in the Merchant Navy. It's been quite a long time since I've posted on these forums and I do feel like I owe it to you all to let you know how I'm getting on, as Ship Simulator, without doubt, helped to push me in the right direction.

It's 6 months now until I will hopefully have an OOW ticket in my hand. The past few years have gone unbelievably quickly :o. I only need a few more weeks of sea time now to obtain the 12 months required, although I will be at sea until Mid-March to gain some extra sea time. After that, I'll be off for a month and will be preparing for the written exams in that time, and then, the orals...(Cue the dramatic music). For the written's I have 4 weeks of preparation in May, and then the same for the orals.

It's quite difficult to put into words how much you learn over what feel like 3 very short years. It doesn't feel like long ago at all since I was sat rather cluelessly on the bridge in the corner feeling very out of place amongst all the gold braid and years of experience which many Officers and Masters have :lol:...however, you do realise as you near the end that the severity of the learning curve really is quite steep, but that with the interest in what you do, you achieve that as you go through every day without even noticing it.

I have to admit, the end has come very quickly and in some respects it is slightly daunting to think that I will hopefully possess a ticket aged 19. However, I have NEVER once looked back on my decision to go to sea, and I hope the fact I started earlier than most will mean that I will have many fulfilling years at sea, and hopefully in not too many years time, a Master's position. One thing which I decided a long time ago, without doubt, is that I will aim for a command one day; there is nothing more fulfilling than standing on the wing looking down the side of the ship and being able to put her to sea. I was very lucky to have one particular Captain who was very trusting, yet to this day I don't know why he gave me the opportunity to handle the ship, as apparently it wasn't the norm for him at all. Regardless, once you have that wish and then a taster for a command, believe me, it doesn't go away!

Before I finish up, I'd seriously like to thank you all for the few years of fun that I had on here. Although many may not believe me, I personally hold Ship Simulator very accountable for giving me a great deal of understanding of Ship Handling. Of course, you cannot replicate the "elements" in the game, but you can replicate the basic principles of ship handling, and without doubt it has helped me. Not only that, but the community here were fantastic, and helped to build up my "general" knowledge about the career before I set foot into it.

For those of you who are considering a career at sea - I registered on these forums in 2008, having received Ship Simulator 2006 as a Christmas present in 2007. In 6 years I went from sitting on it as a 12 year old pressing buttons and hoping for something to move, to being on the verge of being solely responsible for any ship, of any tonnage, anywhere in the world. So for those of you who feel it is not achievable; It is, and any weaknesses you may have with regards to your studies at school are most certainly conquerable. I was absolutely terrible at maths (And I mean TERRIBLE), and even though it is the principle subject of navigation & stability, I have eventually been able to understand it and pass it. If I can, anyone can :lol:.

For those of you who are still around - It'd be nice to meet up on Ship Simulator 08 MP at some point. I'll be back home on the 18th for 2 weeks, and It'd be great to sail with you all again.

Take care,

Kind Regards,
Kind Regards,

sadsid († 2016)

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Re: Thought I'd drop in...
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2013, 13:21:42 »

Hi  Jack
Glad to hear you are doing so well have a good leave with the family
when you get it .


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Re: Thought I'd drop in...
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2013, 18:21:55 »

Hi Jack,
Also like to say it's great to hear from you again. I see Seatruck Ferries on the Mersey quite often and wonder if you are aboard. Interesting to hear that you can qualify for an OOW ticket in such a short time. It took a full 4 years when I was a cadet, but that is going into the time when Noahs Ark was around. Mind you it was possible to get a position as unqualified 4th mate in the final year of time, if the Company wished it to be so. A very rare occurance though. I first went to Sea in April of 1951 and qualified as 2nd Mate in August 1955. That was after having 6 months remission of sea time required by attending a pre-sea course at Liverpool Nautical College. Times have changed a lot in the last 60 years!!!!!! It was not until February of 1961 before I finally got my Masters ticket, which of course is not really worth the paper it's written on now. :doh:
All the best for the future and for Christmas and the coming New Year.

Kind regards,
Retired, UK foreign going Masters Ticket.

The Ferry Man

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Re: Thought I'd drop in...
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2013, 19:43:07 »

Hey Jack,

Great to hear you are doing well - and nearly finished - as you said it doesn't seem long like you left to start off - how time flies!

Should be around for some SS08 MP - thouh you will have an even bigger advantage now!


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Re: Thought I'd drop in...
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2013, 23:36:32 »

Hi Eric,

I hope you're keeping well - I should call around at some point and meet you if you're still in good old Fleetwood!

Angus - I was onboard the Seatruck Progress as my first ship, however they're no longer taking cadets on the new FSG Class ships (Progress, Power) because there are no spare cabins. Although they are very nicely built ships, the lack of accomodation space has caused them a lot of problems. Also, the extra deck has meant that the ships really start to struggle past about 20 knots of wind...whereas the "older" 2008 Spanish built ships are good to up up till 30 knots or slightly more, if you're pushing it. A lot of sailings have been cancelled because of it, and Stena Line aren't impressed as two of those class of 4 which were built were chartered to Stena a few months after they entered into service. The tell tale will be whether the ships come back to Seatruck after a few years or not...Stena, as you probably know, have long made a habit of picking out new ships which they like and charter them, but always with the clause of option to buy.

The OOW nowerdays is essentially achievable in just under 3 years. For me I personally think that the college phases are far too short, although as with everything these days it's all about speed and the longer we're there, the longer they have to wait to train up more cadets. I do feel that the 12 months of sea time is sufficient though, although many people will argue with me on that. I think maybe that comes down to what ship type you've done your training on - Ro/Ro is a very different ball game and you become naturally very intimate with it, as you're in and out every day. I've had some good experience on a good few charters though, running up through to the Gulf of Finland and around the Baltic to Russia; that gave me more of a "deep sea" feel for things and I was happy to get out of the Irish Sea and see something different! I've not been back there since August last year.

TFM - It's hard to believe where the time has gone, it really is!

And I don't know about having an advantage; If anything I'm a lot slower than I was before as I treat it like the real deal now :doh:. Are any of the servers working now? Last time I was on MP a few months ago I was constantly being kicked out for inactivity.

All the best to you all for Christmas & New Year if I don't speak to you before!
Kind Regards,

Captain Cadet

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Re: Thought I'd drop in...
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2013, 00:17:10 »

Great to here everything going well with you Jack! Well done for turning a hoby into a career! Not many people can do that these days!
Im still considering weather to go to sea or not after my A-levels (just relized I'm actually doing then not GCSE! Sh..) but it all turns out for what can I do. I'm thinking of going into sea or Computers. I haven't decided what to do yet but I got my options open! You may be the could be the master of my watch while I'm training!  :doh:
Captain Cadet
Please don't message me for technical support!


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Re: Thought I'd drop in...
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2013, 03:53:52 »

Hi CC,

How are you keeping?

And to be honest for me it still IS a hobby :lol:...I'm just getting paid for it now! As they say - "You never work a day in your life if you enjoy what you do".

As I said to you some time back, if you can handle being away from home then go to sea. I'm afraid to say it but ICT is one of those areas which a lot of people want to go into, and personally, I don't think that the job prospects are too good, but I may be wrong. If you're at sea, once you have that ticket and initial experience, you'll never be out of a job; ever. As I say though, you need to accept that being away from home is part of the deal. But, at the same time, if you get with a decent company you'll be at home equal time to what you are at sea, and so in effect you actually have half of the year to yourself. Who else has that on top of enjoying your "job"? Now to me, THAT is the life...8)

And hahaha, well I'm flattered, but I highly doubt I'll be a Master when you're doing your training! Unless you intend on waiting at LEAST another 7 years! :lol:. Unless of course you mean I might be your Officer...Ooooh...lucky you...:evil:.
Kind Regards,


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Re: Thought I'd drop in...
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2013, 09:57:46 »

Hi Jack,

I wasn't here when you were here before, but it's great to know that you're doing well. :) Also, I have been looking at going to sea too, like CC, and thanks for your advice.

Are any of the servers working now? Last time I was on MP a few months ago I was constantly being kicked out for inactivity.

I'm usually available for SS08 MP, and as far as I know that bug has been fixed now, but it has been on and off for the past few months... :doh:


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Re: Thought I'd drop in...
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2013, 11:32:51 »

Hi Jack,nice to hear from you.Great to hear you are climbing up the ladder :doh:Best wishes for Christmas and new year to you and your family.BTW my grandson joined the RN the same time you joined the MN.Nice to hear both are doing well.
Regards Jim.

Captain Cadet

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Re: Thought I'd drop in...
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2013, 11:44:58 »

Hi CC,

How are you keeping?

And to be honest for me it still IS a hobby :lol:...I'm just getting paid for it now! As they say - "You never work a day in your life if you enjoy what you do".

As I said to you some time back, if you can handle being away from home then go to sea. I'm afraid to say it but ICT is one of those areas which a lot of people want to go into, and personally, I don't think that the job prospects are too good, but I may be wrong. If you're at sea, once you have that ticket and initial experience, you'll never be out of a job; ever. As I say though, you need to accept that being away from home is part of the deal. But, at the same time, if you get with a decent company you'll be at home equal time to what you are at sea, and so in effect you actually have half of the year to yourself. Who else has that on top of enjoying your "job"? Now to me, THAT is the life...8)

And hahaha, well I'm flattered, but I highly doubt I'll be a Master when you're doing your training! Unless you intend on waiting at LEAST another 7 years! :lol:. Unless of course you mean I might be your Officer...Ooooh...lucky you...:evil:.
God help me if your my officer  :evil:
I'm still thinking of what to do -sea or Computers. I like them both. They each got the strong point fame weak points to me. They can be well paid. I'm still thinking about it. I just don't know it's a hard decision which lucky I don't need to make for another year. I'm only 16 now so there is still a waiting time to join the merchant navy.
I'll take what you said on board though.
Thanks C'c   :thumbs:
Captain Cadet
Please don't message me for technical support!


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Re: Thought I'd drop in...
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2013, 16:07:24 »

So Jack, I have less than 6 months to travel on a ferry without the fear of you being at the helm?!  :evil:

In all seriousness though;
I'm glad (and *slightly* envious) to see you're progressing at such a pace! You'll have to let me know how your orals go.. and whether I can "borrow" some of your notes ;)
I still can't believe its been nearly 3 years since you set off on the big ol' blue.. It feels like yesterday you were in the cookiebox discussing your final GCSE exam prep - and the maths tutor you'd hired!
All the best in your long and prosperous career, and a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Give me a shout when you're up for some SS08 - I don't mind hosting if the kick-bug is still an issue. :)
STCW II/1 Unlimited Officer Of the Watch.
Big or small, I'll sail 'em all!


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Re: Thought I'd drop in...
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2013, 02:27:42 »

Dannypenguin - I used to be a very regular user on here. Unfortunately lack of time and the introduction of SSE slowed everything down and my time has been very much sapped by my training. Once I'm qualified though in a few months I'd really like to get involved here again, if a new instalment comes along, or if I can make a few upgrades to the computer to run SSE smoothly. I used to have a Multiplayer forum that was very successful and I'd really like to do something similar again in future, or become more involved again in other ways, if the opportunity ever came up.

If you ever want to know anything about going to sea, then by all means drop me a message and you're more than welcome to add me on Facebook. I'll gladly help anyone who is willing!

Jim - Is that Jim.Smith? Good to see you again! All the best to yourself and family for the Christmas period too. How is your Grandson getting on in the RN? I might very well bump into him one day if I misbehave! :D

CC: As we talked about earlier, it's just a case of doing what you're doing now and seeing how things go! All the best for the New Year!

Danny: Hahaha...only 6 months left. Start hiding!

I'll certainly let you all know how I get on. I'm crossing my fingers for a first time pass, but you never know what the day might bring. All the best for Christmas/New Year!

And It'd be great if we could all head online for a big MP session over the Christmas; I've not been online in some time now.

Kind Regards,


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Re: Thought I'd drop in...
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2013, 11:05:54 »

Hi Jack.it is me I had to start all over again as my PC crashed. And you had better behave yourself as the grandson has just completed an anti piracy course, ;D.


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Re: Thought I'd drop in...
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2013, 22:07:55 »

Hi Jack, good to hear you are doing well..
I just checked this afternoon on 08 MP.  Unfortunately the DTI bug still rears its ugly head, so a MP session may not be possible. Anyway, best wishes for Christmas and New Year, and all the best with your further career.. :)


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Re: Thought I'd drop in...
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2013, 22:32:52 »

Jim - I was going to ask you what ship(s) is he on, but whenever I see them at sea the Royal Navy never display their name on AIS; just "British Warship"! Is he on the navigation side?

SD - Nice to hear from you! And do you know how long the servers have been like this for? I might send a message to Mark when I'm back as he sorted the situation out fairly quickly last time. If not, I'm sure one of us could host a session. All the best to yourself & family for the new year as well!


Kind Regards,


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Re: Thought I'd drop in...
« Reply #15 on: December 16, 2013, 11:10:10 »

He is on HMS Iron Duke(Portsmouth)you can track when their radar is switched on.He is  in engineering.


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Re: Thought I'd drop in...
« Reply #16 on: December 16, 2013, 21:15:16 »

And do you know how long the servers have been like this for?

The DTI bug has plagued the game on and off for several years now. Somehow they can't seem to find a  permanent fix for it..,19525.0.html


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Re: Thought I'd drop in...
« Reply #17 on: December 22, 2013, 15:53:03 »

Great to see you on here again Jack and fantastic to hear that the cadetship has gone so well.  Have Seatruck told you whether or not they will be offering you a third mate's job at the end of it?



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Re: Thought I'd drop in...
« Reply #18 on: December 22, 2013, 16:12:05 »

I really understand you Jack because I have also learnt a lot about ship handling from ship simulator... Although I'm just 13 years old, I believe that I'm able to sail a ship. I know that it sounds too ambitious, what do you think?

Thanks a lot stormforce!

Capt. Matt

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Re: Thought I'd drop in...
« Reply #19 on: December 23, 2013, 02:16:51 »

I totally agree with what Jack is saying. I used to play MP on SS08 and now I am about to start in the Maritime Academy. I can gain either my Unlimited 3rd Mate or 1600 1st mate ticket if I only do two years. As part of training I do training on our training ship (565 feet) and travel the world while doing it, hopefully passing Jack along the way  ;)

And to GeoP17 Although it's a good place to start real life sailing is much different from in the game. I don't doubt you can handle the ships well in the game but in order to be in command of a ship there's reasons you need 'sea time' and experience. Don't let this discourage you, hopefully in a few years you'll be one of us writing back!


Thanks TJK!
Intel Core i7 930@ 2.8GHz, 12GB Kingston HyperX DDR3 1600MHz, Asus P6X58D-E, EVGA GeForce GTX 650 2 Win


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Re: Thought I'd drop in...
« Reply #20 on: December 23, 2013, 13:15:51 »

I hope so Capt. Matt  :thumbs:. I belive that I can't do anything more to "adapt" to mirinetime life from this early age  :)
« Last Edit: December 23, 2013, 13:17:51 by GeoP17 »

Thanks a lot stormforce!

Capt. Matt

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Re: Thought I'd drop in...
« Reply #21 on: December 23, 2013, 15:05:45 »

I was one of you not too long ago! Years go by quickly as Jack said, but if you want to go to a maritime academy as Jack did or I am, keep your studies up and you'll do just fine  :thumbs:


Thanks TJK!
Intel Core i7 930@ 2.8GHz, 12GB Kingston HyperX DDR3 1600MHz, Asus P6X58D-E, EVGA GeForce GTX 650 2 Win


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Re: Thought I'd drop in...
« Reply #22 on: December 23, 2013, 19:04:36 »

Actually, I've got the best marks in my class and that's why many people say me not to become a captain and become something more "advanced" (doctor, lawyer, etc.) but i want to follow my dream... I can't imagine myself doing another profession in the future.  :P

Thanks a lot stormforce!

Capt. Matt

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Re: Thought I'd drop in...
« Reply #23 on: December 23, 2013, 23:08:09 »

Captains are pretty elite to be honest. It's like being a commercial pilot, you respect them when you get on and off the plane, different to other professions where you do not need as much training.  ;)

Thanks TJK!
Intel Core i7 930@ 2.8GHz, 12GB Kingston HyperX DDR3 1600MHz, Asus P6X58D-E, EVGA GeForce GTX 650 2 Win


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Re: Thought I'd drop in...
« Reply #24 on: December 24, 2013, 08:32:53 »

I believe that too and I really don't know why many people believe exactly the opposite  :-\

Thanks a lot stormforce!
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