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Author Topic: Ship Simulator Extremes Facebook page reaches 4000 likes!!  (Read 3705 times)


  • Ship Simulator Community Manager
  • Forum member
  • Posts: 436
Ship Simulator Extremes Facebook page reaches 4000 likes!!
« on: September 07, 2012, 11:49:34 »

A social media milestone for our Ship Simulator game. Since we've sailed onto Facebook our Ship Simulator Extremes Facebook page has quickly grown to a sweet 4000 likers. Thank you all for your continuing support.
If you want to stay up-to-date with the latest community news, join fun competitions and watch amazing screenshots from our players, then join the community and like the page. We're also on Twitter and have a thriving community forum at Shipsim.com.

Join the online and social media communities now and dig deeper into the Ship Simulator series!

You can also follow Ship Simulator on Facebook and Twitter or join the community forum.
•   Ship Simulator Forum: http://forum.shipsim.com/
•   Facebook: www.facebook.com/ShipSim (http://www.facebook.com/ShipSim)
•   ShipSim@Twitter : twitter.com/shipsim (http://twitter.com/shipsim)
Stay up to date by following our social channels!
http://twitter.com/shipsim (http://twitter.com/shipsim)
http://www.facebook.com/shipsim (http://www.facebook.com/shipsim)
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