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Author Topic: Collectors Edition  (Read 2836 times)


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Collectors Edition
« on: August 01, 2012, 19:53:02 »

Hi guys

I have just had a mother board and hard drive failure and have decided to get another computer. Although I have the 2008 edition with all the add ons including New Horizions I am thinking that to re-install 2008 is tedious when you have to keep entering your keys for all add ons. eg. Furie Elbe upgrades etc.
So, the question is, does the CE have all the add ons already installed. eg. Furie etc. which means only one registration key or will I still have to re-install the add ons that I have got??



Life is just a Voyge on the Sea of Expectation


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Re: Collectors Edition
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2012, 09:21:17 »

If my memory serves me correctly you will have to re-install "Jumbo Javelin", "Elbe" & "Furie" only. All other updates and ships are included in the Collectors Edition. A few minutes work only.

Retired, UK foreign going Masters Ticket.


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Re: Collectors Edition
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2012, 17:34:50 »

After the release of the SS 08 Collector's Edition additional Superpacks had been released. They can be found at the Shipyard of SS08.


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Re: Collectors Edition
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2012, 19:41:07 »

Thanks Traddles and MokMok for your replies. I will have to think about what to do next.

Traddles. I forgot about Jumbo Javelin and that's one of my favorites. If I may ask you another question. Has anything happened to The "Creators Forum" and "Amazing Simulation" as I am unable to access either anymore with the links that I have? According to my computer they don't exist anymore.


Life is just a Voyge on the Sea of Expectation

sadsid († 2016)

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Re: Collectors Edition
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2012, 21:48:44 »

Hi Dellboy 
Sorry to tell you this but The "Creators Forum" and "Amazing Simulation" forum
are Closed.
After Terry's passing his son Steven closed both forums without telling anyone
I can only think he saw no reason to keep them going .
But there are still all the packs that were made available on the 2008 through
I think Angus ,Tore ,and myself may still have missions from there.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2012, 22:03:16 by sadsid »


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Re: Collectors Edition
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2012, 14:11:21 »

Hi Eric

I am so shocked with the news about Terry. I owe a lot to him for his help on all the forums,as many others do. I presume it was totally out of the blue as he was no age these days. I am behind the times these days as I have computer problems for the past year which culminated in the above. If you are in contact with Steven please pass on my condolences.

I hope that when Terry's family get over their loss, as much as one can, maybe Steven and others associated with the said sites and simulator might consider relaunching them in memory of Terry's name.

As for the missions you mentioned I will see what I can retrieve from my system and back ups but may still come back to you later.



Life is just a Voyge on the Sea of Expectation
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