Thanks guys
OK just more why it is a good environment to have:
Agile Solution - Could come into the Port Est easily
Albatross IV - A sister has done Ramsgate-Dunkerque so no problem
Apollo/Aquila - Pilot ships always in and out
Arie Visser - Small rescue boat I am sure there is one somewhere
Big Apple - n/a (NY specific)
Bugsier 2 - Similar tug boats in Dunkerque
Cartagean Delight - Several Marinas
Cutter - OK not sure where it would fit...
Esperanza - OK not sure for this one either
Fairmount Sherpa - not seen on in Dunkerque, but in Calais if connected...
Fortissimo - Again marinas
Freedom 90 - well if connected to Dover, also there are beaches for possible landings
Herkules Atlas - One can be clearly seen in Dunkerque
Latitude - Possible, size dependant
Mamba - Marinas
Mare Australia - Inland waterways in Dunkerque
Jumbo Javelin - Possibilty
Ocean Prince - Possibility
Orient Star - Well if connected to Dover...
P6 Coastguard - seen in Calais, so probably comes to Dunkerque
Pride of Rotterdam - Specific ship for Rotterdam, though could fit
Protector - seen in Calais, so probably comes to Dunkerque
Rainbow Warrior III - No reason she couldn't come to Dunkerque
Red Eagle/Red Jet 4/Rozenburg - too small for Cross Channel
RPA12 - Could be OK
Sigita - in the marinas
St Pauli - possible harbour Tours
Vermaas - Cargo Temrinal
VSTP7 - Possibility
White Marlin - Suitable berths
Winner - Many suitable berths
So as you can see a lot of suitable vessels for one environment
*RIBS have been excluded since they are more onboard other vessels