Hello Traddle,
You are right
, and some of us insisted heavily many times last year. I was also given the English expressions for this screw effect: Corkscrew, paddlewheel effect, transverse thrust or lateral screw effect, etc...
It was examined at length, I think, so you surely didnt add to the confusion, quite the contrary.
The developers tried to implement it, and succeeded more or less with some of the add-ons ships, although not enough "decisively" (strong?). Hopefully, it will be implemented when the add-on will be converted and published.
Vermaas (the ship
, not the developer) shows yet this transverse screw effect, not strongly
enough in my opinion, and that is also why I hope there will be a possibility to tweak the parameters of the ships.
Stopping distance tests under full power of VLCCs give a clear estimation of the effect. The transfer (lateral displacement) to starboard and the heading change (while no rudder command) are as interesting as the distance (IMO compulsory under 15 lengths?).
On a more modest scale, whether small or big, mooring along port side is always much easier than starboard for 'standard' propellers (righthanded fwd).
It also explains
why commonly the starboard CPP propeller of a ship with 2 screws (RPA12, PoR?), is left-handed, and the port one right-handed (in ahead): Quite the contrary of fixed blades screws. So, the transverse thrust effect of the screw is added to the eccentricity, instead of being substracted.
Let us hope for the future