I just found out that im goin to Scarbourough to visit my dad for a week on the 16th to the 24th .... the upside is ... Hes taking me on Regal Lady for a closer look at the cliffs
Regal Lady @ Scarborough Lighthouse
But my sister hates boats so dads booked some tickets to go on ......
The Famous Wave Rider Speed boat Dont ask me whats famous about it !
and theres
2 Downsides
While im gone I miss to cruise ships that ive never seen before .. fred olsesn's Balmoral andsomeone esles Hibernian Princess

and another downside is I have to get a train from ..... *Takes Deep Breath*
- Class 321 or 360
National Express East AngliaManningtree>Ipswich
- Class 90
National Express East AngliaIpswich>Peterborough
- Class 170
National Express East AngliaPeterborough>York
- Class 43 or Class 91
EAST COASTYork> Scarborough
- Class 185
First Trans Pennine Expressand im gonna make a video and call Trains Harwich - Scarborough and get videos of trains from stations .... i have
50 mins at Mannigtree 
I can go there for £3 anytime i want by myself
17Mins at Ipswich 
Thats ok i can go there when ever i want for £4 but i usally go Mannigtree
20 Mins at Peterborough! 
GET IN THERE ... ive been wanting to come here for ages by myself but im not allowed .... so
8 Mins at York

Thats ok ... i dont really like york to big and no fast through trains
A week at ScarboroughCant Wait