if you were to give each of the folowing ships (titanic, pride of rotterdam, ocean star, fairmount sherpa and red jet 4 a rating like below what would you give? mine would be ;
titanic - aceleration - 4/10
speed - 7/10
handeling - 6/10
looks - 10/10
towing capability - 3/10
pride of rotterdam
aceleration - 6/10
speed - 7/10
handeling - 8/10
looks - 8/10
towing capability - 2/10
ocean star - aceleration - 7/10
speed - 7/10
handeling - 6/10
looks - 4/10
towing capability - 2/10
fairmount sherpa - aceleration - 9/10
speed - 8/10
handeling - 9/10
looks - 6/10
towing capability - 10/10
red jet 4 - aceleration - 10/10
speed - 10/10
handeling - 8/10
looks - 9/10
towing capability - 10/10 (providing the ship is small)
0/10 (for bigger ships)