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Author Topic: Have the Whalers Surrendered?  (Read 11773 times)


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Have the Whalers Surrendered?
« on: December 02, 2010, 22:45:56 »

OMG They might be gone....



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Re: Have the Whalers Surrendered?
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2010, 23:01:59 »

Oh well, would be nice, but don't hold your breath.

They left port today, as it seems. Just a little late..  The lack of demand for whale meat in Japan at the moment, something about a shorter season and halved quota is the reason, I read different statements to that effect.  They are not doing well, at least.. and that's good  I reckon.

But they are still going though. But hey, less ships, less whales caught, less long..  they always still manage to get their quota though, postponing is really the best SS does..

But.. if the trend continues, then other factors and hopefully stricter laws and governing might altogether, in the years to come, have the desired effect.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2010, 23:04:56 by Mad_Fred »


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Re: Have the Whalers Surrendered?
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2010, 23:14:15 »

In Japan there isn't really a market for whale meat, and last years campaign was a disaster (thanks to Sea Shepherd) Perhaps the costs of the whaling hunt are surpassing the profits..


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Re: Have the Whalers Surrendered?
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2010, 17:17:50 »

In Japan there isn't really a market for whale meat, and last years campaign was a disaster (thanks to Sea Shepherd) Perhaps the costs of the whaling hunt are surpassing the profits..

I'm afraid there is a lack of knowledge about whaling here..

Whale meat is very popular in Japan, there's a reason why they hunt. Most of the meat from the Norwegian whaling industry is exported to Japan. Their problem is they have to hunt in international waters, while the Norwegian fleet can hunt undisturbed in their own waters protected by the coast guard. Watson will never pull another stunt here as he was almost sunk the last time he tried.

I believe the Japanese are done for the year, but I'm pretty sure they'll be back next year.


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Re: Have the Whalers Surrendered?
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2010, 22:48:51 »

What ever they are steal whaling and its cruel, norway needs to stop and no the japanese have a 1,100 quota this year


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Re: Have the Whalers Surrendered?
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2010, 01:12:46 »

Unfortunately, there's always going to be 'lesser creatures' that will suffer at the hand of the so called superior ones. (humans, as some believe them to be)

If they stop whaling tomorrow, then it's just going to be a case of "what major 'almost extinct' species shall we try to protect next?", really. At least whales are not bred to spend most of their miserable lives behind bars in big stables in each other's filth, before shipped out to the slaughterhouse en masse.. Not that you should hunt them, but could have been worse for them too...    :-\

There's enough cruelty to go around, everywhere, I assure you. We're just blind to the convenient ones... but as long as some people want to pay other people to do that to animals, people will do it.. 

I really do think though, that we should all be less hypocritical in the 'free west', where life is generally good, about what we do to the creatures around us just so we can be more comfortable and (too) well fed.

Cheering for whale wars on tv in nice.. but.. doing it whilst eating a ham sandwich or a bucket of chicken, after you've just taking your medicine for whatever is wrong with you, which was tested on animals and partly manufactored from animal products.. and wearing say, a leather belt that a cow was killed for and some fashionable shoes that little kids in asia have made for nearly no pay at all and that's just a few things of many I could mention..

..and then those poor asian kids come home at night after a harder day then most people here would ever know, and you deny them their whale burger?   ::)

Is that really fair? Those kids are hungry too and they worked all day to keep us all happy and ignorant!  :P  ;D

Yes yes.. it's just a bit of sarcasm and somewhat of  a joke, indeed.. but.. think about it..    ::)



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Re: Have the Whalers Surrendered?
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2010, 03:39:09 »

I'm afraid there is a lack of knowledge about whaling here..

Whale meat is very popular in Japan, there's a reason why they hunt. Most of the meat from the Norwegian whaling industry is exported to Japan. Their problem is they have to hunt in international waters, while the Norwegian fleet can hunt undisturbed in their own waters protected by the coast guard. Watson will never pull another stunt here as he was almost sunk the last time he tried.

I believe the Japanese are done for the year, but I'm pretty sure they'll be back next year.
thats why they still have whale meet in warehouses from 3 years ago.


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Re: Have the Whalers Surrendered?
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2010, 05:50:04 »

yeah so why kill innocent whales ???
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Re: Have the Whalers Surrendered?
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2010, 08:02:36 »

yeah so why kill innocent whales ???

Japanese People always find everything a gold mine. Whales are great for food and materials and pay top price on the market



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Re: Have the Whalers Surrendered?
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2010, 11:04:55 »

yeah so why kill innocent whales ???

People seem to single whales out as being special for some reason. They're just the same as anything else that gets killed...
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Re: Have the Whalers Surrendered?
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2010, 14:11:47 »

Hoy Irishjack,
Yes, you're right!!They tryed to stop whalehunting,just because their are now many left.Why dont they do actions where their kill cows, sheep or even chicken.
The people onboard the ships of Seashepherd,dont eat meat at all.I would not be their lovely friend,because my hunger for meat is very high.
In Australia, their are too many kangoroos now, so they will have to kill some numbers.That meat will be used to feed mankind to.
I think,and thats my vision.When there is no longer enough to save the spieces.Stop direct hunting!!
Also with the fishindustry,They know the beamtrawlers destroy every bottom and the young fish.However no actions are taken against them.
Now they just said on the news that the some fish getting back higher in numbers on the Nordsea.I pretty sure that that is not realy completly true.I mean it is that in some area's some fish are more numbered allready.Best way should be,close the fishindustry for some years(take 5 years)to start.Maybe afther that time is it more better than now.Or step over a complete new way of fishing.


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Re: Have the Whalers Surrendered?
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2010, 14:24:03 »

well spoken Marc, and shall we make a campaign agings hunting peoples.



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Re: Have the Whalers Surrendered?
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2010, 14:29:42 »

Sadly, whale and dolphin meat seem to have high levels of toxics, and may not be very good for you..
 (but then again, what is safe nowadays..) ?


« Last Edit: December 18, 2010, 14:32:52 by saltydog »


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Re: Have the Whalers Surrendered?
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2010, 15:38:54 »

Perhaps the Japanese should go into Africa and shoot elephants (of course for research)
I understand elephant meat is very tasty..  In Tokio you could order a Jumbo-burger..:)
« Last Edit: December 18, 2010, 17:00:54 by saltydog »


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Re: Have the Whalers Surrendered?
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2010, 22:50:01 »


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Re: Have the Whalers Surrendered?
« Reply #15 on: December 20, 2010, 05:16:18 »

maybe we should send a fleet to japan to do some "research" on humans


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Re: Have the Whalers Surrendered?
« Reply #16 on: December 21, 2010, 19:54:08 »

They're just the same as anything else that gets killed...

Including people, I guess? ::)

Perhaps the Japanese should go into Africa and shoot elephants (of course for research)
I understand elephant meat is very tasty..  In Tokio you could order a Jumbo-burger..:)

You know, the people in Africa are poor, and get shot for what they do. Japan is a rich country that can survive even without whaling. They've the resources we also have, no doubt.

Their problem is they have to hunt in international waters, while the Norwegian fleet can hunt undisturbed in their own waters protected by the coast guard. Watson will never pull another stunt here as he was almost sunk the last time he tried.

Say never never, I appreciate what he did there, ramming a coast guard vessel. It might sounds risky in your ears, but I see it as the spirit to do something.



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Re: Have the Whalers Surrendered?
« Reply #17 on: December 21, 2010, 20:21:07 »

Say never never, I appreciate what he did there, ramming a coast guard vessel. It might sounds risky in your ears, but I see it as the spirit to do something.

So if I would know that you were eating pork, and/or eggs, and/or salmon or such.. and wearing leather, using products that animals suffered for (which you do, we all do)...  and I was a member of PETA and I would come to your house and try stop you and to damage your property, breaking the law in the process, and causing potential bodily harm to your family,....would you file charges against me and be angry?

Or would you praise me for my spirit to do something?


Just a rational question..


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Re: Have the Whalers Surrendered?
« Reply #18 on: December 21, 2010, 20:28:54 »

So if I would know that you were eating pork, and/or eggs, and/or salmon or such.. and wearing leather, using products that animals suffered for (which you do, we all do)...  and I was a member of PETA and I would come to your house and try stop you and to damage your property, breaking the law in the process, and causing potential bodily harm to your family,....would you file charges against me and be angry?

Well, those pigs,cows,and salmon etc. are bread to be killed and used to eat or make things. Not like whales wich are running alittle low on population and there are lots and lots of pigs in the world.   :2thumbs: ;)
(I have not heard of peple hurting other pepole over killng or eating pigs.)
« Last Edit: December 21, 2010, 20:31:28 by 2000 »
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Re: Have the Whalers Surrendered?
« Reply #19 on: December 21, 2010, 20:36:27 »

Including people, I guess? ::)

Animals get killed by humans. That's the end of the story. You can look at it whatever way you want, but it's not going to change human nature...

Say never never, I appreciate what he did there, ramming a coast guard vessel. It might sounds risky in your ears, but I see it as the spirit to do something.

Quite frankly, if anyone finds it okay to go round ramming ships (Whether to be on the TV or not), they need to have their heads seeing to. You can appreciate it all you like - doing something like that is stupid, idiotic, and senseless.

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Re: Have the Whalers Surrendered?
« Reply #20 on: December 21, 2010, 20:39:08 »

Well, those pigs,cows,and salmon etc. are bread to be killed and used to eat or make things. Not like whales wich are running alittle low on population and there are lots and lots of pigs in the world.   :2thumbs: ;)
(I have not heard of peple hurting other pepole over killng or eating pigs.)

Ah okay, so murder is okay as long as there's enough of them or if we breed some of them?  :P

That's pretty much an arguement that holds no value on a principle level. oh yeah, we can torture these animals, cause we made em ourselves!

Sorry, but that doesn't work like that.

Tell ya the truth, the whales are no longer almost extinct. Some fish that are caught en masse by big trawlers and some other marine life in certain regions that gets caught up in the process, run a higher risk to die out than the whales do. Only they are not big and 'intelligent' enough to make such a big fuss about I reckon.

If you're against the killing of animals, on a principle level like these people are/claim to be, the 'there's only a few of these and the others are all plentiful' is not valid at all.

And you haven't heard of people hurting other people over eating/not eating pigs?

You don't know about the major religions in the world then?  ;)


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Re: Have the Whalers Surrendered?
« Reply #21 on: December 21, 2010, 23:36:23 »

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society attempts to stop illegal Japanese Whaling, Maltese Bluefin Tuna fishing, and many other issues. Sea Shepherd focuses on the illegal killing of marine mammals, because if you are killing something illegally, something is wrong with it if there are laws against it.

The cruel slaughter of whales (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmeqoG9i5pQ) is carried out in Australian Antarctic territorial waters, in violation of the International Whaling Commissions 1986 Commercial whaling ban, the United Nations Charter for Nature, the Antarctic treaty, and many others. Also, seeing that it can take up to 1 hour for a whale to die (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0q2CqkdPFk), it is impossible to turn your head.

I understand that Minke whales are not endangered, but the Humpback, Fin, Sei (critically endangered), Blue, and Sperm whales that the Japanese hunt yearly are.

The slaughter of dolphins (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hT-D3ZOI28s) is illegal under certain circumstances. The hunt itself isn't illegal, but some dolphins they slaughter are.

From seashepherd.org

The Japanese fishermen are indiscriminate. They kill any species that approaches the coast. Sea Shepherd crew have witnessed the killing of Striped dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales*, False killer whales, Melon-headed whales and Risso dolphins

*Killing pilot whales violates Japan's treaty obligations to the International Whaling Commission.

Also, has anyone noticed the word SEA?????

Sea (n): A division of an ocean or a large body of salt water partially enclosed by land.

The last century of commercial whaling has released some 100 million tons of carbon in the Earth’s atmosphere. (http://www.seashepherd.org/news-and-media/news-100301-1.html)

Thank you.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2010, 23:42:50 by Casey13 »
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Re: Have the Whalers Surrendered?
« Reply #22 on: December 22, 2010, 12:33:25 »

The cruel slaughter of whales (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmeqoG9i5pQ) is carried out in Australian Antarctic territorial waters, in violation of the International Whaling Commissions 1986 Commercial whaling ban, the United Nations Charter for Nature, the Antarctic treaty, and many others. Also, seeing that it can take up to 1 hour for a whale to die (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0q2CqkdPFk), it is impossible to turn your head.

I understand that Minke whales are not endangered, but the Humpback, Fin, Sei (critically endangered), Blue, and Sperm whales that the Japanese hunt yearly are.

The slaughter of dolphins (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hT-D3ZOI28s) is illegal under certain circumstances. The hunt itself isn't illegal, but some dolphins they slaughter are.

Also, has anyone noticed the word SEA?????

Sea (n): A division of an ocean or a large body of salt water partially enclosed by land.

The last century of commercial whaling has released some 100 million tons of carbon in the Earth’s atmosphere. (http://www.seashepherd.org/news-and-media/news-100301-1.html)

Thank you.

Just highlighting a few things you've said here.

Why is it the 'cruel slaughter' of whales? What about other animals (That have just the same feelings I am sure), for example, fish? I go out on the boat, pull it out of the water, and if it's swallowed the hook, I have to RIP it out of the fish, and of course it dies (Slowly, unless I hit it over the head straight away). Now, although that is wrong (And yes I do it), you tell me where the difference is in that.

Now, I might be wrong, but I think if Australia thought Japan was whaling illegally, it'd do something about it. Australia has never struck me as being a laxy country with anything. I'm not saying you're wrong, but even if it is illegal, it isn't up to a few incompetent people to go round smashing into other Merchant ships because they want to be on TV. Have you seen any of the videos? Such as them trying to launch a RIB? It ends up going upside down, and could of potentially killed the people in it. Then, when they finally manage to launch the thing, the shout and whistle as though they've done something amazing.

I don't want to sound rude, but giving us the definition of sea sounds more insulting than trying to prove your point. I don't want this to come accross as being ignorant either, but 'Captain' Watson and his crew don't exactly come accross as being the most intellectual bunch, and I certainly wouldn't like to be on the same boat as any of them.

Who makes up these figures? How does anyone know how many tons of carbon has been released into the earths atmosphere? If Sea Shepherd are trying to sell their organisation with daft meaningless points and figures, then sorry, but there's no way I can take them seriously.

To be totally honest i'm getting very fed up with this whole Sea Shepherd/Whaling thing...This forum used to be great, but now it's clogged with rubbish about Sea Shepherd that actual 'Ship Simmers' aren't interested in. This forum is about Ship Simulator, not Sea Shepherd, or any other organisation.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2010, 13:10:09 by IRI5HJ4CK »
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Re: Have the Whalers Surrendered?
« Reply #23 on: December 22, 2010, 20:09:02 »

Just highlighting a few things you've said here.

Why is it the 'cruel slaughter' of whales? What about other animals (That have just the same feelings I am sure), for example, fish? I go out on the boat, pull it out of the water, and if it's swallowed the hook, I have to RIP it out of the fish, and of course it dies (Slowly, unless I hit it over the head straight away). Now, although that is wrong (And yes I do it), you tell me where the difference is in that.

Now, I might be wrong, but I think if Australia thought Japan was whaling illegally, it'd do something about it. Australia has never struck me as being a laxy country with anything. I'm not saying you're wrong, but even if it is illegal, it isn't up to a few incompetent people to go round smashing into other Merchant ships because they want to be on TV. Have you seen any of the videos? Such as them trying to launch a RIB? It ends up going upside down, and could of potentially killed the people in it. Then, when they finally manage to launch the thing, the shout and whistle as though they've done something amazing.

I don't want to sound rude, but giving us the definition of sea sounds more insulting than trying to prove your point. I don't want this to come accross as being ignorant either, but 'Captain' Watson and his crew don't exactly come accross as being the most intellectual bunch, and I certainly wouldn't like to be on the same boat as any of them.

Who makes up these figures? How does anyone know how many tons of carbon has been released into the earths atmosphere? If Sea Shepherd are trying to sell their organisation with daft meaningless points and figures, then sorry, but there's no way I can take them seriously.

To be totally honest i'm getting very fed up with this whole Sea Shepherd/Whaling thing...This forum used to be great, but now it's clogged with rubbish about Sea Shepherd that actual 'Ship Simmers' aren't interested in. This forum is about Ship Simulator, not Sea Shepherd, or any other organisation.

Read this over: "illegal Japanese whaling, Maltese Bluefin Tuna fishing, and many other issues. Sea Shepherd focuses on the illegal killing of marine mammals"

Why I stated that whaling is cruel is because the absolute minimum time for a whale to die is 2 minutes, and they are in pain not even close to imaginable by human standards.

Once again, "Sea Shepherd focuses on the illegal killing of marine mammals." I am not going to define illegal, but I am going to explain your faulty thinking. Fishing on any ship is legal except for:

No fishing license
De-flagged ship
Fishing past legal end of season

The difference between whaling and fishing is the humane standards set forth by the IWC and DFO, and the legality of the operations. The IWC is corrupt. Japan buys votes from poor countries with considerately large sums of money. The DFO is according to the nation, and therefore can not be corrupt. Fishing is nowhere as cruel as whaling. To kill a fish, just club it on its head and let it suffer for 2 seconds. To kill a whale, harpoon it in the head and let it suffer for 2 minutes.

Most of every country's import is from Japan. If Australia developed a feud against Japan, Japan would shut off the import cycle.

The incident with the RIB was the fault of an improperly attached line. Also, your "could of potentially killed the people in it" statement is not valid, because the Sea Shepherd volunteers swear an oath saying they are prepared to die to save the whales.

Why I defined sea is because everyone was complaining about chickens and cows. They don't live in the sea.

Who made the figure of the 100 million tons of carbon were a team of about 375 scientists. I also went around the day the article was released and asked 10 experts and each one of them said that was about right.

I happen to be a very avid Ship Simulator fan, along with many other Sea Shepherd supporters on this site. Some people have a passion for marine life (like me) and will eventually get into a discussion. If you are getting fed up with the Sea Shepherd/whaling topics, why click on them and read them?
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Re: Have the Whalers Surrendered?
« Reply #24 on: December 22, 2010, 22:00:48 »

But whatever you say about it, it still doesn't give a vigilante the right to attack other people and try to ram them and such. Ever. So that already deflates the argument.  ;)

That is illegal too, and two wrongs do not make a right.

I guess we better put a lid on this topic.

Cause I fear this is gonna get ugly again like before.

Topic locked, And any new Sea Shepard related topic might be deleted if it shows the same signs of, or promises more, heated discussions.

If people want to read the preservationist propaganda, they can just go to the Sea Shepard website and read the same 'facts' there, I reckon.  ;)

Sorry to you all, but past experience learned us to not let these drag out too long.  :)

* locked *

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