Dear friends, i'm very happy to introduce you "The Historical maritime society" SSE server.
Daily, the server is open on Marseille environment to all members. Several times can happen the server crashing and i'll try to restore it in few minutes.
I invite all members to play in "The Historical maritime society" SSE server following the rules of the V-STEP game and the international maritime standards.
HMS wants to promote this activity to sensibilize all members and all players in the preservation of the history and traditions of seafaring and diving and in the protection of the water environment.
HMS likes to programme some organized mission periodically: in the same environment of Marseille, we like to organize a mission with a members list, which with his own ship, and a specific duty for the mission.
Stay tuned on the forum for more info about.
Thanks for your collaboration.
Best regards.
Gianfranco VECCHIO