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Author Topic: Two new childboards are born into the Small Talk area.  (Read 7421 times)


  • Administrator
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Two new childboards are born into the Small Talk area.
« on: October 21, 2010, 05:24:34 »

Hello everyone.

After a well made suggestion and some further deliberation with the team, as of right now, we have two new forum boards in the Small Talk area.

These are The Chat Lounge (,118.0.html) and Forum Games (,119.0.html).

The former is meant for every day talk. There you can chat with your fellow shipsimmers, about anything you wish to talk about. Anything goes. But, of course, the normal forum rules do still apply, so we ask you to keep it all polite and clean.

The latter is meant to host a variety of forum games, of which we have already seen many in the past. But these now get their own dedicated spot on the forum. Here, the normal rules obviously also apply.

We would like to aim for a 'cleaner' main Small Talk area, which was initially meant for maritime small talk, and host the somewhat more ship- and shipsim related topics there. The random subjects to chat about and the fun gaming can then be hosted in these new boards.

Please endeavour to post in the right boards, if and when you use the Small Talk area. We will be cleaning up the main small talk area to move the relevant topics into these new boards, in the coming time. Also, we would like to make it clear that from now on, we can and will move topics that are not befitting other boards on the forum, into these childboards, if they beiong in there, instead of where they are initially posted. This will be done without further notification. We trust everyone understands.

Thank you very much for your cooperation, and have fun on these new boards!

Kind Regards,
The Forum Team
« Last Edit: October 21, 2010, 05:26:06 by Mad_Fred »
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