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Author Topic: More problems in Mission editing  (Read 7117 times)

Sea Wolf

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More problems in Mission editing
« on: September 29, 2010, 03:12:18 »

Sorry, but I am really having a hard time with all the mission editing manuals and hopefully this will be my last inquiry:

The mission I'm working on has two player ships, a hovercraft and a power boat.  I want to hide the power boat from the ship stack until a designated waypoint is reached by the hovercraft so my question is:

What do I do so that the power boat appears with it's new waypoint stack after the hovercraft arrives at it's final waypoint ( the transfer point ).  I think it has to do with a hidden waypoint and notification to the player to board the power boat ( that's where I'm stuck ).

Again, I checked all references, including searching the Mission Creation forum and found no help.

Sea Wolf


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Re: More problems in Mission editing
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2010, 06:44:34 »

Mission Editor Tutorial Page 22 — HIDING & UNHIDING waypoints  or player ships:
You could skip to p. 24 — HIDING A PLAYER SHIP

You first hide the ship by checking its Deactivate playerobject box.
Then you create a Trigger_UnhidePlayerObject waypoint with the hidden ship selected in the ObjectID list.
Do the example on that page.

Sea Wolf

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Re: More problems in Mission editing
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2010, 18:04:36 »

Thanks for all the help mvsmith but I have come to the conclusion that the Mission Editor Manuals, both the SS8 and the Tutorial Edition v1_4-6 are so poorly written that it is beyond my comprehension and too advanced for beginners.  I understand that a new edition may be in the making.  I have spent many hours trying to figure out what needs to be done to create a mission.  I enjoyed the research, don't get me wrong, I just wanted to give some feedback and my thoughts.  I'll be glad to give additional detailed feedback on particular items from the guidelines but I don't think this is the place.  I'll continue playing the game because it's great.

Thanks again for your help

Sea Wolf


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Re: More problems in Mission editing
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2010, 21:04:12 »

Hi Sea Wolf,

I’m sorry that you find mission creation so difficult. So far as I know, no new edition of the VSTEP manual for the SS 2008 editor is planned.
As far as my tutorial is concerned, I began it a few years ago in response to questions from users. I have periodically updated it in response to questions and problems that have occurred in missions.

I am certainly interested in hearing from you about anything that is not clear, so that I may improve the tutorial.
Many users have created the hundreds of custom missions that have been made available for downloading.
The tutorial was designed with step-by-step instructions for performing all of the basic operations in mission creation. I would appreciate your telling me, in detail, what instructions you find confusing.
I will spend as much time as necessary, if you think that you would really enjoy mission creation.
The Mission creation process for SS Extremes is much more complex than for SS08, so I doubt that you would want to attempt that without some experience with the SS08 editor.




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Re: More problems in Mission editing
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2010, 22:51:55 »

Hi Sea Wolf,

Her you have a short mission with the triggers you need, open it up in the editor and you see watt to do


Sea Wolf

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Re: More problems in Mission editing
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2010, 03:22:33 »

Thanks TJK

I unzipped the file, extracted the contents to the Custom Missions folder and now I can play the mission and also look at it in the Ship Simulator 2008 Collectors Edition Mission Editor.  What a great help that will be.  Perhaps this is an example of what could be included in the Tutorial that Marty and I are discussing.  I plan to give Marty some examples of the instructions in his Tutorial Editor that I did not understand, it is nevertheless a great guideline.

Thank you, both.

Sea Wolf


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Re: More problems in Mission editing
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2010, 08:14:48 »

Glad it helped you out, and if it more you need so please ask, i think Marty all ready have add ed watt i did in hes tutorial they are weary well written.
and as you see in the editor i did this Red jet and POR as player ship checking  Deactivate playerobject box  for POR then you not will see it before red jet anchor with POR and activat the trigger WP their i have used
Trigger_UnhidePlayerObject waypoint with the hidden ship selected in the ObjectID list

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