Hi all,
I haven't SSE yet(even I orded it 10th of august) so I read all the problems you guys have especially with the graphics. And did you guys tried this:
Get a progam for updating all your drivers. If your drivers aren't updated they probally don't work proper with the new games. For example www.intel.com www.nvidia.com www.realtek.com, and for Ati Radeon GPU's (http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx) etc.. There are also progams for updating your drivers. I got one myself and it works great. If you search the drivers you have on your computer and go the manufactor homepage you mostly find drivers to download.
I saw that there is PhysX. If you read on the nvidia page ( http://www.nvidia.co.uk/object/physx-9.10.0513-driver-uk.html ) you will see your driver needs to be at least v196.21 I can imagine that it's not working proper if your driver isn't
It is maybe an idea to remove SSE update your driver download physx and install SSE and the Physx of SSE. !!!!!And don't forgot or you GPU is the minimum for PhysX. I can imagine if it isn't you can get some problems!!!(thanks to Slowboat
And do you update your Windows?? Just search at the start menu for Windows update. And talking about windows here you can update your directx(http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=2da43d38-db71-4c1b-bc6a-9b6652cd92a3&displaylang=en) you can search at google for an other language
There are also some free progams who clean up your computer. Like advanced systemcare(http://iobit.com/advancedwindowscareper.html) it cleans up and fixed wrong settings. And maybe use the iObit smart defrag(http://iobit.com/iobitsmartdefrag.html) a fragmented Hard drive can slow your computer down.
And I saw that most of the people are disappointed about SSE. You can do two things. Express your feelings on the forum. Or write a e-mail to Vstep with your ideas how they can improve SSE. By posting it on the forum you don't help anyone. You can better help Vstep to create a better SSE. So I think that's an easy desicion....
I'm not here to sell progams but it are just some tips(I think
, and I hope) who hopefully help you to improve your SSE.
If you have any suggetions for improving SSE please post. I'm just 17 and I don't know anything.
Good luck with it and happy sailing