After three and soom years of running Shim Sim 2008 and New Horizons and a few of the add ons my computer toasted and took my Hard Drive with it.
I had to start from scratch.
I bought a decent machine - quad 64 bit processor with lots of speed and almost 4 gigs of Ram, and a video board that screams -- all under Windows 7.
I obtained my account information and downloaded Ship Sim 2008 - ran it - mumbled because I could not run it in a window - but it played well enough - downloaded New Horizons - and entered heaven when I got to the configuration screen and set it to run in Windows and it did. The video card could now do its thing effectively and I am seeing the ships more clearly etc. The whole thing just runs better with mojo equipment.
My compliments are not to my computer but to the folk at V-Step who gave me a simple and flawless install process. 2008 first, run, play and quit, install New Horizons, run -- continue to have fun.
Lots of folks have expressed frustration over the upgrade trail that those of us who have been there awhile experienced. But it works, and works well, if you come at it with a clean install bing bang boof.