The reason is because Greenpeace signed a contract with vstep not permitting Sea Shepherd Ships in SSE
With all due respect, but there has never been such a clause in any contract, nor will there ever be, so please stop making such statements. The choice for GP was one we made in all honesty. And as a logical consequence of this cooperation, either you choose GP or you choose Sea Shepherd. Fact of the matter is, as you are well aware, that both GP and SeaShepherd don't get along too well with eachother, so when we chose GP, that automatically meant going with them all the way. It's like Nike and Adidas at the world cup, you can't have part of a team in Nike and the other part of the same team in Adidas, as both Nike and Adidas would start complaining.
But please stop claiming that there has been a contract with such a clause in it, as this is not the case. Consider it more of a "given word".
Kind regards,