Beceaus I had some PM's of people who where interested in building a ship sim control unit I start this topic.
I will keep the whole building log in the first message.
In this topic I will explain everything about building your own ship sim control unit (SSCU).
ElektronicsFirstly I will start with elektronics, I have researched a while and I discovered that the most easy and cheap way to do this is via the gameport.
Most modern computers don't have gameports, but I have a gameport to USB converter.
Mine is from sitecom (, but any other brand will allso do the job.
Be carefull when experimenting with the gameport, if anything goes wrong then I am not responcible for the causes. It may damage your computer!But, first lets go to the basics.
To detect the movement, I use a potmeter.
This is what wikipedia sais about a potmeter:A potentiometer is constructed using a flat graphite annulus (ring) as the resistive element, with a sliding contact (wiper) sliding around this annulus. The wiper is connected to an axle and, via another rotating contact, is brought out as the third terminal.
So, if you turn the potmeter, the resistance changes. And the gameport works on resistance.
There can be connected 4 potmeters on the gameport.
2 for the throttle
1 for the rudder
1 for the bowthruster
And there allso can be connected 4 switches.
1 for the horn
1 for mooring
2 for sternthruster (wich will be added in the future)
Here's a picture:
from left to right: switch, potmeter, gameport to USB converter
More about the gameport in here (
Lets start building!
The left is the upper throttle lever structure, the right is the throttle and bowtruster base.
The throttle levers and bowthruster part finished raw.
The rudder finished.
All this parts still need some filler and primer.
Left: Throttle and bowtruster part allmost in last layer of primer. Right: Rudder an switch part in first layer of primer.
Ive sprayed both parts and it looks great, but I am not completely sattisfied.
The end is in sight.
The bowthruster lever is glued on. I allso want to glue a boll on top.
The throttle levers, one assembeled and one disassembeled.
Last update!
Everything is finnished and it works great!
I have been soldering the whole morning but is was worth the efford.
I looks like I didn't paint it well, but that is just dust.
You can see I glued a lot of lead in the consoles, I did that for extra stability.
To all who are interrested, I am not going to start this as a commercial product and mass produce this (I am only 16 years old