This is the small talk area. Anything goes here.
And if a member is comfortable enough with this community, perhaps contrary to some more dedicated forums that handle FSX, and feels that he might get some help from his fellow simmers here, many of which might have flight- or others sims aswell, then that's no problem whatsoever.
Most off you have nothing usefull to say, so then posting here makes no sense does it. Of late, a group of people here, longstanding members too, see fit to attack, harrass, fool, and belittle the posts and topic of newer or younger members, or posts that they feel are irrelevant, or off topic, or maybe not in place on this forum..
I have had just about enough of this new trend, and now that we have a brand new year, I think we'll be treating these kinds of reactions to these kinda topics in a whole new light, and some of you, if you keep treating this forum as your personal circus, will notice that it will not be tolerated anymore.
I am not going to name names, yet. Nor is it just about this topic, nor is everyone I have in mind present here.. But if some of you do not back off of this behaviour, those will notice what happens. And I'm sure the 'others' that I have seen following this trend will read this too. If not, personalised warnings might be issued soon, if and when needed.
By posting what some of you post, in response to what you find are 'useless post or topics', you are actually doing something that is even worse, trolling and flaming. And making new members feel unwelcome. Very nice! Way to paint the picture of a nice community where all are welcome.
So.. it ends in 2010. We've chosen, after complaints of our former, more strict way of moderating, to let things be more casual and informal, and be less on 'your case'... But clearly some of you cannot handle this 'freedom' and need to be moderated more strictly.
If you keep ruining it for the rest, that is just what will happen. And there will not be any more warning, some of you have allready been warned in the past even.
I hope this is clear to all now.
And Happy Newyear!