Im still debating what to do though - ICT or Shipping.
IT = I know i can become successful and im doing full time IT next year for A-Levels. the only thing is im Dislexic so i could struggle with the coding and other production stuff.
Shipping = my love is there but i get sea sick (I have been sick on the captain of a ship before) and im unsure about all the paperwork and being away from home and family.
I would suggest that if you have any
serious doubts about whether you'll manage being away from home then it's not for you. You'll know the difference between not looking forward to it, or initially being hesitant to really not wanting to. For me I always knew it was part of the career and I have to be honest it doesn't bother me. The first few weeks are always different and everyone finds it hard, especially if you're a wide eyed 16 year old like I was when I first went to sea, but thereafter it's fine. Like I say though, being away from home will always be a part of it. Other things you have to consider though are: Serving with foreign crews, eating foreign foods (sometimes just downright weird foods

), being able to both give and receive orders without having an issue with it, being able to be a good time keeper and with a general sense of discipline etc.
Also, I would check to be absolutely sure that dyslexia won't affect you joining the MN. My understanding is that it does NOT affect your ENG1 (The Seafarer's Medical), and so you SHOULD be okay, but I would confirm it first before you consider setting your heart on the MN.
It's not up to me to say what the best option is, but my opinion is that if you feel you can join the Merchant Navy and feel you would be happy to stick out the training, then that will give you far better career prospects than ICT. From a practical point of view, you will always be in work and you will always be on a good salary. For me though being at sea isn't about that; I have always had a fondness and love for it, and for me personally that far outweighs any other gains of being at sea.
Either way, good luck to you - let me know how you get on, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
P.S. Nice cabin Chief
