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Author Topic: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides  (Read 3675899 times)

Captain Cadet

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24475 on: May 12, 2013, 12:58:28 »

I wonder if anyone has ever though of a Catching net around the ship...
The do it in a foxconn factory in China
If you do, what happens if the ship starts to sink? how you meant to get the lifeboats out?
Captain Cadet
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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24476 on: May 12, 2013, 13:03:52 »

You got a point.

Captain Cadet

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24477 on: May 12, 2013, 13:06:15 »

You got a point.
what ever you going to do, you cant stop people from juming as the safty of the ship and the safty of people on board contredict at this point
Captain Cadet
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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24478 on: May 12, 2013, 13:27:39 »

If someone goes overboard you shouldn't need to alert the crew - If they're maintaining a good watch they should already pick the MOB up and hit the alarm. There's a reason ships have CCTV!
STCW II/1 Unlimited Officer Of the Watch.
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Captain Cadet

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24479 on: May 12, 2013, 13:29:26 »

If someone goes overboard you shouldn't need to alert the crew - If they're maintaining a good watch they should already pick the MOB up and hit the alarm. There's a reason ships have CCTV!
whats the chances when they have 100 screens infront of them, whats the chance that they will see the screen they are. you have to realy as if they dont notice you'll feel bad
Captain Cadet
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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24480 on: May 12, 2013, 13:40:29 »

whats the chances when they have 100 screens infront of them, whats the chance that they will see the screen they are. you have to realy as if they dont notice you'll feel bad

They have staff watching CCTV around the clock in a very dark room in the bowls of the ship, so unless they're busy watching the show going on they should be able to pick up the MOB!
STCW II/1 Unlimited Officer Of the Watch.
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Captain Cadet

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24481 on: May 12, 2013, 14:02:32 »

They have staff watching CCTV around the clock in a very dark room in the bowls of the ship, so unless they're busy watching the show going on they should be able to pick up the MOB!
still as i said its real difficult to whatch everyone
Captain Cadet
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Mr Robville

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24482 on: May 12, 2013, 14:27:32 »

I wouldn't question the safety of these railings. All balcony railings have minimum heights to prevent people tipping over in E.G. bad weather or while leaning over. In many cases these railings feature glass panels for a clear view through and indeed preventing any gaps for children.

If somebody tips over such a railing, it must have been done either deliberately or due to complete stupidity as it takes quite an effort to "accidentaly" climb over one. At least in relatively calm waters without any ship's rolling.

But as Captain Cadet said:
what ever you going to do, you cant stop people from juming as the safty of the ship and the safty of people on board contredict at this point
If people really want to jump over a railing, it can't be made high enough.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 14:31:39 by Mr Robville »

The Ferry King

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24483 on: May 12, 2013, 15:10:33 »

True say,

there is a difference between 'accidental actions' and 'deliberate actions'

Captain Cadet

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24484 on: May 12, 2013, 15:51:56 »

True say,

there is a difference between 'accidental actions' and 'deliberate actions'
likely hoods that it wuld be delebrate as thd amount of effort to go over is a lot. in school we have railongs that are lower than most ships and its virtualy imposible to climb over them - though. a few history files help  :doh:
but this shows its almost imposible to fall over.
But as I said they need to be lower enough to jump off or get in a lifeboat during an emergancy yet high enough to make sure that nobody goes over by accident
Captain Cadet
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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24485 on: May 13, 2013, 09:46:33 »

But as I said they need to be lower enough to jump off or get in a lifeboat during an emergancy
On all of the cruise ships I have been on (as far as I know), lifeboat access was via gates in the railings, so when the lifeboats are lowered they are opened and people can get in.

I wonder if anyone has ever though of a Catching net around the ship...
If you do, what happens if the ship starts to sink? how you meant to get the lifeboats out?

Explosive bolts that drop the nets? On a more serious note, I'm not sure there is anything to be done. If people want to jump they will (as others have said).
« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 09:49:01 by Dannypenguin »


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24486 on: May 13, 2013, 18:42:13 »

I wonder why Sega is still handing out Beta keys for the (long abandoned but still working) Multiplayer campaign beta To the american public for Empire total war, When us europeans try, We get redirected to the british part of Sega wich says ''Nay!''


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24487 on: May 13, 2013, 23:59:42 »

Today the Minnesota senate approved the marriage equality bill and tomorrow it will be signed into law by the senator! ;D

Meanwhile the Catholic population of the state is pouting, and some are even moving, including Representative Michelle Bachman. Why are they so intolerant? ???
Today's weather:


Not to sound cliched, but what a long, strange, trip it's been.

Mr Robville

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24488 on: May 14, 2013, 07:53:36 »

Let them leave I shall say. ;) an evolving society doesn't need such brakes to slow it down.
I don't understand the fuss about equal marriage. If two of the same gender like each other then that's their decision. They don't ask for permission from some over-religious person.
I think people that claim gay people are sick in their head and they deserve to be punished are even more sick in their own heads and deluded than they claim the gays to be.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2013, 10:03:52 by Mr Robville »

The Ferry King

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24489 on: May 14, 2013, 19:08:22 »

Let them leave I shall say. ;) an evolving society doesn't need such brakes to slow it down.
I don't understand the fuss about equal marriage. If two of the same gender like each other then that's their decision. They don't ask for permission from some over-religious person.
I think people that claim gay people are sick in their head and they deserve to be punished are even more sick in their own heads and deluded than they claim the gays to be.

no no, its an opinion, the action is the wrong thing here.

A person IS entitled to give his own opinon whether its good or not, the action that comes after that is what shouldn't be allowed.

Its better for a person to say that gay people are wrong, than to have a knife fight over this.

Some people like it, some people don't its as simple as that,
The majority accept gay people = some don't
The majority accept 'black' people = some still don't (sorry for my calling, you get what i mean)
Some accept some religions (some or many don't example Islam)

I know its annoying to see that there are still people on this planet that are against gay people, but it doesn't mean thats the only thing, racism, sexism, ageism have all been and are still major issues across the globe. I guess its better to accept other people's opinions up to a certain point.

This is what i would personally accept and what i won't accept:

Commenter: I think being gay is wrong, its not just right (ok this is just purely opinion)

Commenter 2: Gay people are stupid, they are going to hell and burn there, may they DIE, ***** (Ok, this is where i get mad)

Source: (yahooo)

I personally believe in freedom, and everyone being able to express their opinion freely, just because 99% agree with something doesn't mean the 1% also has to, there will always be people that disagree,

same goes for some famous examples:
There are still some people in this world that think the first moon landing never happened, and think all space flights are fake (this is true)

There are still people who think the entire Islamic people are 'satanic' and all of them are so called 'terrorists'
There are still people living in this planet that think China is the old cheapskate that produce the so called 'made in china' products and anything they make falls apart (i know its stupid, but its true, some people still think China is in this same position they were 50 years ago=absurd!!in my opinion)
There are still people living in this planet that make Ggrrussian jokes even though many don't consider them funny anymore.
There are some people that think Christianity is a lie, but there is still some that believe in this.

I know where you are coming from Mr Robville, true say, but sometimes its better to accept that this is what we call 'Today's world' and its 'people'

one thing i do think is unfair is the amount of attention gay people receive, uh uh, not good.
If they are claimed to be just like any other human being, then they should be treated like all other humans in the same way, not just against negativity but also in the idea of receiving attention. Do i have to be gay in order to be famous? as far as i know many people i asked around coll said yes. i know..

If gays have festivals, celebrations... why can't transgenders= wheterosexual, pansexual, polysexual, or asexual
its the same thing right?

sometimes its ok to praise certain people, but i guess its not right to give them too much attention. My personal opinion is that just because they are gay doesn't mean they should be given any special 'treatment' as a gay person, if i saw one i would talk to him/her as if i were talking to anyone else. I wouldn't put them on headlines saying Gay party, the biggest in the world (only gay people can attend) because we are against homophobic people,, lol,

homophobic people are weird, maybe still haven't time travelled to 2013 yet. But still,, for now time is changing we must wait patiently.. 50 years ago being gay was wrong. Today being gay is mostly accepted.
50 years later= everyone humans, no difference whatsoever: everyone is equal and unique in their own way (i will look forward to that day)
« Last Edit: May 14, 2013, 19:10:37 by The Ferry King »

Captain Cadet

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24490 on: May 14, 2013, 22:29:00 »

This is from my Facebook post on this topic (its hot in school at the mo)
We as a socitly which thinks its wrong for gay people to be together, we look down at abortions and then look down at teen pregnancy. Parents look up to Richard Branson and admire how rich he is, and get there children to work so they can be as rich as him. Lucky for me its not an issue as I run a smal company - but for many freinds its bad.
We accept black people, foreigners for taking our job as its cheap labour, we allow other religions to practice but we don't accept gay people. Fact: gay  was found natural in china before Europe took over, it was also natural with the Greeks. It never said in the bible that Jeusus was agsinst it, if he was against it he would have said
That's my oppinionvthough
Captain Cadet
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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24491 on: May 15, 2013, 04:13:21 »

The Ramform Titan has been launched..(the worlds widest ship)
« Last Edit: May 15, 2013, 04:16:38 by saltydog »


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24492 on: May 15, 2013, 14:20:55 »

The Ramform Titan has been launched..(the worlds widest ship)
I kinda like her...

The Ferry King

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24493 on: May 15, 2013, 15:50:00 »



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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24494 on: May 15, 2013, 15:59:52 »

She's wonderfully functional - 24 streamers, the ability to resupply and chance crew whilst underway, automated working environments... She really is a world first in survey ships.
STCW II/1 Unlimited Officer Of the Watch.
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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24495 on: May 15, 2013, 18:23:23 »



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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24496 on: May 16, 2013, 14:55:35 »

They have staff watching CCTV around the clock in a very dark room in the bowls of the ship, so unless they're busy watching the show going on they should be able to pick up the MOB!

Ummm, no, no they don't.

Yes some (not all) ships have CCTV, but usually it is for security rather than safety purposes.  The machinery spaces on passenger ships will normally have a cctv feed back to the engine control room and sometimes the bridge and these will be monitored after a fashion by the engineering officer of the watch, but there are not normally cameras pointing over4 the ship's side which are continually monitored, any that are fitted are probably there for mooring purposes to give the bridge an idea of distance from the quay or to monitor the gangway when the vessel is in port.


Mr Robville

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24497 on: May 16, 2013, 15:25:18 »

Whow... You ever wondered how www.shipsim.com looked like in 1997?  :P


The Ferry King

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24498 on: May 16, 2013, 16:33:09 »

huh wow.

IS that our Vstep Shipsim or some other one?

Captain Cadet

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24499 on: May 16, 2013, 17:03:44 »

huh wow.

IS that our Vstep Shipsim or some other one?
VSTEP wasn't found till 2002
Captain Cadet
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