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Author Topic: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides  (Read 3676801 times)


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24300 on: April 14, 2013, 03:57:38 »

China is crazy. (I'm back from the dead)
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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24301 on: April 14, 2013, 11:01:52 »

My first computer was about 32 years ago, it was a Commodore VIC20, it had 4kb of RAM IIRC, the whole thing was housed in something resembling a very thick keyboard, there was no hard drive, if you wanted to run anything not stored in the RAM then it had to be loaded from a cassette tape (ask your parents what they are were)

Graphics were in square blocks about the width and height of a standard cursor divided 8x8 into 64 pixels.

I thought it was amazing!

I had one of those- and then the star of the computing world, that overly powerful C=64.

Funny, but now after pratting about persuading windows 7 registry that I in fact DO want my computer to boot in normal mode for the past 3 hours, I really wish I could go back to my Vic 20/C=64.

Ah... loading "platoon"/"great escape"/"miami vice" all in 20 minutes or so from the datacorder... or F19 Stealth "fighter" with the 2 colour world and the wireframe enemy jets, and the transparent aircraft carrier...

BUT with that era there was no quality ship simulator. Not a lot has changed there then.
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The Ferry King

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24302 on: April 14, 2013, 13:06:07 »

Any news for today?


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24303 on: April 14, 2013, 17:56:41 »

There's a winter storm warning today. :doh:
Today's weather:


Not to sound cliched, but what a long, strange, trip it's been.


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24304 on: April 14, 2013, 21:32:15 »

Yeah I woke up to snow today...  :C

btw I live right next to a possible target for North Korean missiles! (I doubt Kim Jong-un has the guts even to fire one into the ocean)
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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24305 on: April 14, 2013, 21:43:33 »

Let's just wait and see.

In unrelated news, Justin Beiber ( :P) said after his trip to the Anne Frank museum that the holocaust survivor would have been a "Beleiber". At least now there's a genuine reason to hate him.
Today's weather:


Not to sound cliched, but what a long, strange, trip it's been.


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24306 on: April 14, 2013, 22:06:05 »

Let's just wait and see.

In unrelated news, Justin Beiber ( :P) said after his trip to the Anne Frank museum that the holocaust survivor would have been a "Beleiber". At least now there's a genuine reason to hate him.

Oh god, PLEASE! I walked by that place 2 days ago and the next day he came there.... Should have brought something so that the Anne Frank museum had a purpose for... something...
"There is a plaque laid next to the remnants of the Titanic which reads, "Only Chuck Norris is unsinkable"

Captain Cadet

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24307 on: April 14, 2013, 23:13:58 »

Oh god, PLEASE! I walked by that place 2 days ago and the next day he came there.... Should have brought something so that the Anne Frank museum had a purpose for... something...
Well the good news is that he refused to come to the UK ever again! And that Wales is not leaving the uk any time soon it means i don't even need to see him   :evil:
Captain Cadet
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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24308 on: April 15, 2013, 21:12:57 »

Has anyone heard about what happened in Boston? it's absolutely awful! :o
link (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/16/us/explosions-reported-at-site-of-boston-marathon.html)
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The Ferry King

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24309 on: April 16, 2013, 07:44:16 »

The one with the blood on doesn't seem to fit in well, really pictures are becoming more graphic these days,

What a shame, does anybody know what caused it?

Mr Robville

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24310 on: April 16, 2013, 08:52:22 »

That is sick. I wonder what's going through people's minds sometimes.  ???
Thinking that those people only wanted to run/watch a marathon...

I really wonder what the reason behind this is. Terrorism seems unlikely as those usually strike governmental things.


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24311 on: April 16, 2013, 13:05:02 »

Awful stuff. Just horrible.

My thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by these attacks. Purposely targeting defenseless human beings like this must rank among the lowest things you can do.

I am in doubt wether this is any sort of Al-Qaeda attack. It might even be more like the Oklahoma bombing, and that was also around this time in April, that year. But that's merel speculation. Who knows who did this and why, I just hope they catch the culprit(s) soon..  I'd advice slow disembowlment with a wooden kitchen spoon.

I know it's sorta hypocritical to post about that, and ignore the fact that on the same day, in Bagdad, over 20 people died in a series of car bombings, in that one city alone. And that this stuff is daily business in a lot of other countries with many more victims, each and every day. I guess it's easier to accept that in those countries, it's more.. dare I say.. 'normal' than in a country like the ones we live in. But let's also not forget about those people. For they are also mostly just innocent human beings caught in a mess not of their own making.


sadsid († 2016)

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24312 on: April 16, 2013, 15:03:57 »

 Just faceless cowards that cause harm hurt dispaire  to others
the wooden spoon should have splinters and they should be removed
without a second thought.

The Ferry King

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24313 on: April 16, 2013, 15:26:27 »

I do think that people shouldn't start getting angry at Muslims, which i now see everywhere,
Its frustrating that in a way there are some "foolish" people that like to ruin other people's life for no reason by doing such attacks.


Mr Robville

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24314 on: April 16, 2013, 15:39:28 »

I have seen some pretty disturbing pictures of the victims. There's a good reason the photo of the guy in the wheelchair you see on the news is cropped. Hell must be going through their minds right now.


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24315 on: April 16, 2013, 15:51:06 »

I've seen the same image - And I wish I'd only seen the cropped version. The injured total now stands at 140, with 2 people dead.

For those that are interested, someone recorded the emergency radio traffic and posted it on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ucl4QTnSzSo
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Captain Cadet

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24316 on: April 16, 2013, 18:44:59 »

I have seen some pretty disturbing pictures of the victims. There's a good reason the photo of the guy in the wheelchair you see on the news is cropped. Hell must be going through their minds right now.
 i saw it and  i felt sick as i dont do blood - I almost faintedlooing at it.

People were running from the finnishing line to the hosbital to give blood. its amazing to think that we hhave bad people and the good people

But my hearts go out to all the freinds the families of who has been killed and injured. #prayforBoston
Captain Cadet
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Mr Robville

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24317 on: April 16, 2013, 18:55:11 »

It's terrible indeed.
For some strange reason I cannot resist but looking at these photos when they come by. Perhaps it's just curiosity. But the images get glued in your mind...
Just imagining those people standing up in the morning putting their socks on not knowing what would happen a few hours later. It's crazy.

The Ferry King

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24318 on: April 17, 2013, 07:27:07 »

I feel sorry for the people that died,
but also for the ones that got injuries, according to news reports there were limbs and bones scattered across the street with people covered in blood, and ripped shirts on the floor,

I wish it would just stop there, i really do not want another one of these to happen anywhere in the world,
(even though it happens nearly everyday-looking at MiddleEastern countries)

Mr Robville

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24319 on: April 17, 2013, 08:22:44 »

according to news reports there were limbs and bones scattered across the street with people covered in blood, and ripped shirts on the floor,

That's what some other pictures perfectly portray sadly enough.

I think it's weird nobody had the balls to claim the responsibility for this act yet.
You would guess that with these kinds of things somebody would be shouting about their unsatisfactory to the government or something, letting the world know who they need to be afraid of.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 08:28:34 by Mr Robville »

Captain Cadet

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24320 on: April 17, 2013, 17:25:51 »

I have seen some pretty disturbing pictures of the victims. There's a good reason the photo of the guy in the wheelchair you see on the news is cropped. Hell must be going through their minds right now.
Well if you had the guts to kill 3 people and injure 173 surly you have the guts to show your face  :thumbdown:
Captain Cadet
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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24321 on: April 17, 2013, 17:51:27 »

The US govt has also intercepted 2 letters containing "ricin" (which is ~1,000 times more deadly than cyanide) - One aimed at a senator, and one aimed at the president. I think its safe to say someone really, really doesn't like the US.

Apparently the police are now interviewing a suspect in Washington.
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Mr Robville

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24322 on: April 17, 2013, 18:41:10 »

They doubt it's related to Monday. But it's coincidence it happened in the same week.
But there are clearly some active idiots around at the moment.

Captain Cadet

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24323 on: April 17, 2013, 21:24:15 »

They doubt it's related to Monday. But it's coincidence it happened in the same week.
But there are clearly some active idiots around at the moment.
Yep too many
Captain Cadet
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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24324 on: April 18, 2013, 01:01:39 »

Too many idiots, Too many people dying, what's happened to the world? :(
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