Just been thinking, when will WM be unbanned?
I think that is a question only mad_fred can answer. I know he's around on the shipspotting forum though,
I don't think he's completely banned. You can still see his profile pic, signature, etc. in all his previous posts, and you can still view his profile. He's either [still] temporarily banned, or just lost interest in this forum.
When you ban someone on a SMF forum, it doesn't delete the account, so other uses can still access the profile. If the profile was deleted, the ban would be gone! 
Also - a permanent ban is the same a temporary one, but with the "expiry date" set to infinity 
Alright enough talk about that someone's gonna get WMitis... 
Whenever I come (as guest or member) I always first search for recent topics about "wm" or "wave music" or "wavemusic"... just for the sake of curiosity if this place is if only a tiny bit the same.

Officially I'm helplessly & unbearably banned from here, even when none remembers for what & why, mods keep Fred's covenant to ban whoever comes & reveals that he's WM.
HOWEVER! (however) I'm free to come here whenever I want & however I want - to charge with nostalgia of good times spent here in 2008-2010 with awesome deuds that most are either no longer active here or changed with time.
Rbsanford (don't remember him) is partly right about me "losing interest to this forum" & I can't blame myself other than SSE which after gold promises & uncountable postpones turned out to be a fail compared to what all expected from it, which led to all the before mentioned awesome deuds to slowly but surely desert this place. Well, it was all foreseen in early days nevertheless.

And ugh, I feel I lost my unique style of humour/wit/sarcasm/etc which sometimes I don't recognize myself while reading my old posts on here.