simple way around it, when making the game make it so these files can't be changed. Pretty silly if you ask me anyway to leave the Condor Ferries livery in there, along with others
Again, the EULA does not permit you to change it. Are you really not getting the point? Who cares what CAN be done,.... it's about what is NOT ALLOWED. You can drive faster than the speed limit in most cars.. so everyone should just do it, and if they do and get caught, the car manufactorer is to blame??
Anything can theoretically be cracked/hacked/modded.. that's not the point at all.
This is the last we'll say about it, Vstep will decide, and any more of this and you'll notice that it's not a game we're playing here. You agreed to the EULA when you installed the game. You are bound by those rules, end of story.
Unless Vstep decides - if they ever do - that this rule is to be interpreted otherwise, it.. simply.. is..not... allowed.
I can't make it any clearer.