Well first you released an unfinished game, then you charge us for add-ons when we already pain 50 dollars for an unfinished game...I dont think so.I used to love them with 08 but extremes is quite the opposite.
Well first of all, they said we would have Co-Op missions, those are yet to be seen. Game crashes constantly. Multiplayer is full of bugs. I KNOW there WILL be glitches, everything has them...but this game is over the top with them.
Hopefully so...And I'm not trying to moan however when you spend money on something you want what is described...yes?
I wouldn't try and argue with tman, he is just so glad to be getting an incat
Yeah and I don't give up.
Ameri-, better stop there...
Spirit Of France is in Water,
Ahh Yes - I know