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Author Topic: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides  (Read 3676515 times)


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24125 on: February 10, 2013, 17:57:36 »

It's great to think that we can now say things these days without persecution due to free speech...


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24126 on: February 10, 2013, 19:08:13 »

But unfortunately freedoms are vanishing. Well, at least the "unalienable rights of the US" are. Don't even think of protesting peacefully in the states, because the police (or national guard in some cases) will want violence and they'll attack anyone who thinks freely. And you can't do anything without the government branding you as a terrorist. Taking pictures of buildings? Illegal. Refusing a police search? Illegal. Owning a gun with a permit? Illegal. And it's ridiculous how the government sets up a huge wall separating the US and Mexico (yes I know it keeps cartels out and reduces drug dealing, but Mexicans aren't allowed to become citizens!). And the drone killings of US citizens, invasion of Arab/central Asian countries for oil, acute xenophobia, thinning line between church and state, etc. I could ran for pages and pages, but I'll keep it short.

And since we're all talking about the weather for some reason, over here it's 35o and windy.
Today's weather:


Not to sound cliched, but what a long, strange, trip it's been.


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24127 on: February 10, 2013, 19:55:55 »

I don't think you fully understand what I'm trying to get at, also probably not a good idea to start a US bashing discussion...You never know, Just stating something whether rumour or fact can upset someone who has power in the matter.


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24128 on: February 10, 2013, 20:07:48 »

change of topic ...   FREEDOM!

who loves Braveheart?


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24129 on: February 10, 2013, 20:10:06 »

I can't belive Danny got a vacation for that..

It's an acumulated score, not a one time thing. Too many kids these days seem to run their mouths of without thinking twice about what they are actually saying, if what they are saying is actually factual and how that may affect the feelings of other human beings. And too often just post their thoughts as facts and then use that to justify rude comments directed at the developers. Often thus totally unfounded.

If one is factual and polite, there is no problem. If one just assumes things and then flames people on the wrong grounds, it is very rude and unacceptable. And it certainly is here, where people are after all a guest of Vstep. There are other ways to go about expressing unhappiness with a product.

And if the same tone is set in too many posts and subtle hints don't work, there is a risk that a read only ban is issued to get the message across. After which we hope the posts of the recipient will be a little more factual and a little less rude.

I hope that clears it up for you.  ;)

@ rest:  Yes, maybe politics are not really the wisest thing to discuss here. The unwritten rule usually says that political and/or religious discussions have no place on a forum such as this.

And the weather here.. slight bit of snow, temperature around freezing, not too bad. :)


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24130 on: February 10, 2013, 20:31:20 »

Look at my sig, the storm has started. :evil:

Also, new episodes of Futurama on Netflix! ;D
Today's weather:


Not to sound cliched, but what a long, strange, trip it's been.


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24131 on: February 10, 2013, 23:44:03 »

Sorry Fred for continuing this but I want to get my two cents in.
But unfortunately freedoms are vanishing. Well, at least the "unalienable rights of the US" are. Don't even think of protesting peacefully in the states, because the police (or national guard in some cases) will want violence and they'll attack anyone who thinks freely. And you can't do anything without the government branding you as a terrorist. Taking pictures of buildings? Illegal. Refusing a police search? Illegal. Owning a gun with a permit? Illegal. And it's ridiculous how the government sets up a huge wall separating the US and Mexico (yes I know it keeps cartels out and reduces drug dealing, but Mexicans aren't allowed to become citizens!). And the drone killings of US citizens, invasion of Arab/central Asian countries for oil, acute xenophobia, thinning line between church and state, etc. I could ran for pages and pages, but I'll keep it short.
It's amazing that America was Founded by people who wanted freedom from ridiculous laws and taxes, But look where we are now... almost back to square one.
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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24132 on: February 11, 2013, 00:21:19 »

Yeah, but we can't start a new country to escape the tyranny, because every square mile is owned by somebody else! I'm just waiting for a chance to colonize the moon, except Obama cancelled that mission, one of his bad decisions.

And weather-wise, it's pretty ugly. So far 6-7 inches have accumulated, and the winds are 20-30 mph gusting to 35. At least it's warm, at a balmy 22o :doh:
Today's weather:


Not to sound cliched, but what a long, strange, trip it's been.


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24133 on: February 11, 2013, 02:26:49 »

Weather sure does look really ugly there... or beautiful for those of us who like snow days ;D
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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24134 on: February 11, 2013, 06:13:36 »

Not to rub it in guys, but its 32C in the shade here in Vung Tau :)


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24135 on: February 11, 2013, 16:40:15 »

Today's a snow day! ;D Weather is pleasant today: 30o, mostly cloudy, winds 10-15 mph. No precipitation.
Today's weather:


Not to sound cliched, but what a long, strange, trip it's been.

The Ferry King

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24136 on: February 11, 2013, 20:13:09 »

I normally only see comments about politics and whatever being made in youtube= the home of the world's idiocy

@ Weather,

Yes, it snowed, with huge flakes pouring down for an hour or so before it stopped and the rain ended the snow era.
Shame  :-\

The Ferry Man

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24137 on: February 11, 2013, 20:14:17 »

We had big snow falling for a couple of hours... then it stopped..  :doh:

TFMs Guide to Crossing the Dover Channel (http://forum.shipsim.com/index.php/topic,21107.0.html)


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24138 on: February 12, 2013, 04:35:01 »

The office? Nope, I am as i type, sat in a very nice hotel in Vung Tau, Vietnam, waiting to join a ship which may, or may not, be getting here on Friday.

This sailoring is a tough business.

Sadly someone has realised that I am sat in a hotel in Vietnam on full pay doing not very much, so for the sake of my liver, they have arranged for me to join the ship today, see you on the other side.


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24139 on: February 13, 2013, 15:56:03 »

I feel so sorry for you Clanky, you must have such a hard life...


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24140 on: February 14, 2013, 13:45:11 »

Afternoon all :).
Kind Regards,


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24141 on: February 14, 2013, 17:42:55 »

Good afternoon Jack, I take it you've been busy lately


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24142 on: February 14, 2013, 19:11:44 »

How are you keeping? And very, exams non-stop for the past 13 weeks or so. Coming to the end of Phase 3 now, will be going to sea again soon for the final time and then I come back to do my SQA's/Orals.

Kind Regards,


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24143 on: February 14, 2013, 21:14:39 »

Been doing various AS Levels and such. Good luck with the exams, do you know when you're going to sea next?


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24144 on: February 14, 2013, 23:50:08 »

Going well for you? And thanks, It's hard to keep up with them all ::). And yes, April 15th at the moment :thumbs:.
Kind Regards,


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24145 on: February 15, 2013, 00:33:04 »

One thing I've learned over the past few years: DON'T GO ON CARNIVAL!!!
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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24146 on: February 15, 2013, 01:28:06 »

Carnival should pull their ships from service and examine all the engines, because this is the second time one of their ships had an engine failure leaving it stranded.

Plus I thought it was a little over the top on the Today Show this morning when a family member of one of the passengers said "I'll never take a cruise again." Who else thinks that decision was a bit rash? And Dexter, why not go on Carnival? This sort of event is rare and will hopefully never happen again.

Nonetheless, it must have been really frightening without water, waste management, electricity, and a limited food supply. At least Carnival is reimbursing all the passengers, that's nice. Good to hear that everyone is home by now and that nobody was hurt (except for that heart attack).
Today's weather:


Not to sound cliched, but what a long, strange, trip it's been.

The Ferry King

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24147 on: February 15, 2013, 16:43:17 »

In pitch black darkness across a sea with no access to toilets and waves crashing against the ship, well i wouldn't think as that being normal.


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24148 on: February 15, 2013, 22:01:40 »

why not go on Carnival? This sort of event is rare and will hopefully never happen again.
Costa Cruises is owned by Carnival, So if you count Costa, Carnival had Three incidents in the past Year! The Costa Concordia Sinking, Costa Allegra engine fire, And now the Carnival Triumph! I'm sorry Carnival, but I'm not gonna risk it!

On the lighter side, How is everyone? I'm getting ready to go skiing.
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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #24149 on: February 16, 2013, 00:43:58 »

Well the Carnival and Costa engine fires/failures must be related, but Costa Concordia was human error, it could have been avoided easily.

Oh yeah, and don't forget the other Carnival incident two years ago, when that ship was stranded in the Pacific.
Today's weather:


Not to sound cliched, but what a long, strange, trip it's been.
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