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Author Topic: Adding new ships to the game  (Read 15713 times)


  • Ship Simulator Developer
  • Forum member
  • Posts: 166
Adding new ships to the game
« on: July 19, 2007, 08:28:10 »

Many people are asking for new ships to be added to the game.
Some are even offering to model them. They would like to add their ship models to the game, using a Ship Editor or SDK. For us as developers, this would be a good situation. New ships keep the game alive, and that's what we all want!

However, there are many steps needed to turn a 3D model of a vessel into a playable ship in te game. It would take us many man-years of programming to make a ship editor that could be used for this purpose. Altough we are striving to enhance our internal editing tools, we don't have the resources to develop this all-singing all-dancing ship editor. By the time we would have finished its development, there could be a new version of the game coming close to release, so it doesn't satisfy the current demand. The attached document describes the whole process for adding a new vessel to the game.

Subscription service

As an alternative to the ship SDK, to satisfy the demand of new ships, we are preparing a subscription service. Subscribers would get a new player ship every month, with a set of missions. Talented 3D ship modelers can help us to create suitable models, and even get paid by us for their effort. Our target is to start the subscription service in October. More announcements on this will follow later.

Sponsored ships

Companies who would like to see their ships in the game can contact us. Dependent on the sponsor fee they are prepared to pay, we can make their ships available for free for all ShipSim customers, or we can add them for subscribers as one of the monthly releases.

Static objects

Adding scenery objects and static ships is a whole lot easier. We encourage users with an interest in 3D modelling to create objects like ramps, jetties, static ships (to be moored or anchored), wrecks, icebergs etc. Initially, you can send these to info@shipsim.com in the 3DS format, with accompanying texture in DDS format. Later, we may extend the mission editor to automate the process for adding static objects.

New scenery

The effort and workflow for creating new scenery for the game is time consuming and complex. We are still working on improving the internal toolset and procedure, so it is not possible to involve 3rd party developers in this process, until we have progressed this further internally.
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