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Author Topic: Requesting to become a Moderator  (Read 12950 times)


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Re: Requesting to become a Moderator
« Reply #25 on: September 23, 2008, 23:07:05 »

I think that if people realised the huge amount of work that goes on behind the scenes by Moderators and also some of the very respected members of this forum (CMMs and others), they might not be so keen to apply.

Also if they realised the level of abuse we suffer, they might think twice.

This is like a second job for me. I know others put similar if not greater amounts of time into the forum.

If only you got paid to do it, eh Terry?


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Re: Requesting to become a Moderator
« Reply #26 on: September 23, 2008, 23:18:07 »

I'd be rich, I tell, you. Rich beyond my wildest dreams. Ha-ha-ha-ha!

Err, sorry. We've interupted this post to tell you that we have locked Terry up for a while until he stops foaming. You don't want to know where he's foaming from, believe me.

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. In the meanwhile we bring you some classical music.

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Re: Requesting to become a Moderator
« Reply #27 on: September 23, 2008, 23:40:00 »

oh no, terry got locked up again! ::) what else is new ;D Anyway, being a moderator is more work than it seems. You have to carefully read things, edit things, move them, delete them. Have discussions in a moderator & admin area (i assume this forum has one) From my view as a moderator its a second job like terry said and if everyone realized the amount of work not many would apply. I believe the main reason people apply to be a moderator is to simply say "whooo! I'm a moderator" those people shouldn't be accepted but sadly sometimes they are anyway, lets all sit around and listen to classic music while we wait for terry to stop foaming. ::)


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Re: Requesting to become a Moderator
« Reply #28 on: September 24, 2008, 00:33:31 »

I don’t know where he got the idea it would get him access to the source code. He must have confused the moderators with us beta testers.


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Re: Requesting to become a Moderator
« Reply #29 on: September 24, 2008, 02:26:15 »

Hello Everyone,

Thank You for playing with me. If there is anything I can do for you to make Ship Simulator Forums a better place please send me a PM or let me know on the Forums. And I mean anything. Even changing my name from WatersCanada to one of my other names on multiplayer communities such as Tell_FS.  ;)


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Re: Requesting to become a Moderator
« Reply #30 on: September 24, 2008, 02:29:26 »

educating people in nautical science isn't what being a moderator is about. Being a moderator (since i'm one myself) is mostly about taking care of the forum, watching for bad posts and helping members when needed. ;)
Really looks to me like your a forum member.

@ at the dude that made this.

You have 14ish posts, at least contriubute, and asking for moderator isn't going to get you moderator, the admins decide by watching you. I am nice now and then but I have problems, note why im not moderator. Terry came here and just started helping everyone and became moderator.


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Re: Requesting to become a Moderator
« Reply #31 on: September 24, 2008, 02:54:39 »

Thank You for playing with me. If there is anything I can do for you to make Ship Simulator Forums a better place please send me a PM or let me know on the Forums. And I mean anything. Even changing my name from WatersCanada to one of my other names on multiplayer communities such as Tell_FS.  ;)

Hiya Waterscanada,

It's just a bit of teasing, don't worry. Moderators need a thick skin. A bit of friendly fun and teasing is the least of our worries.   ;)

And as for the latter part of your post, just be yourself, be friendly and help your fellow shipsimmer from time to time, and I bet you'll do just fine. The most important thing to make this place better, is good people, that know how to behave and are prepared to help their fellow shipsim enthusiasts when needed.

I must say that Austin has a point though. You don't have a lot of posts yet, and most of them are in this very topic. As such your contribution is as yet still slim, but hey, you're just with us, it takes time. So I guess to start with, just be part of this great community. Answer a question here and there, help new players with a problems if you know the solution, or just plain hang out, make conversation and have fun...

If you're staff material and you are noticed as such in time, ánd if an addition to the team is needed at that time aswell (always a crucial point too of course), you may become an asset yet, in the future! But it takes more than 14 posts to be honest, before people get noticed. ;)

@Austin; MC didn't mean that he's a moderator HERE. He's one on MPSS. (amongst others, I think.)



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Re: Requesting to become a Moderator
« Reply #32 on: September 24, 2008, 03:53:40 »

Hiya Waterscanada,

It's just a bit of teasing, don't worry. Moderators need a thick skin. A bit of friendly fun and teasing is the least of our worries.   ;)

And as for the latter part of your post, just be yourself, be friendly and help your fellow shipsimmer from time to time, and I bet you'll do just fine. The most important thing to make this place better, is good people, that know how to behave and are prepared to help their fellow shipsim enthusiasts when needed.

I must say that Austin has a point though. You don't have a lot of posts yet, and most of them are in this very topic. As such your contribution is as yet still slim, but hey, you're just with us, it takes time. So I guess to start with, just be part of this great community. Answer a question here and there, help new players with a problems if you know the solution, or just plain hang out, make conversation and have fun...

If you're staff material and you are noticed as such in time, ánd if an addition to the team is needed at that time aswell (always a crucial point too of course), you may become an asset yet, in the future! But it takes more than 14 posts to be honest, before people get noticed. ;)

@Austin; MC didn't mean that he's a moderator HERE. He's one on MPSS. (amongst others, I think.)


Dear sweet Fred,

I do appreaciate your good comments and advice. I will take heed, listen and follow. I am also, at the same time heeding the Rules and Guidelines in which states, "Quality not Quantity". Which is why I am limiting my posts.

Now, I do believe that allthough one as a Moderator can be frustrated sometimes with posts, I do feel that one must take all into consideration before making a decision on how to handle the situation. One thing of course, being polite at all times is of primary importance in establishing good comunication skills between the partys.

For example, I will take myself in this instance. User decides he wants to become a Moderator. First thing, we welcome and explain how flattered we are to hear the good news someone cares and wants to become a part of the team. However, many things have to be taken into consideration. Such as...

1. Requirements
2. Manner in which he behaves
3. Goals and Intentions
4. Experience
5. Enthusiasm
6. Impression on Ship Simulator itself


6. Compatibility with the rest of the Team.

I think we are at the compatibility stage at the moment. As you have stated, "thick skin". I however, choose the kind hearted approach. I found that the manner in which the other Moderators conduct themselves is a little harsh for the average user, not to mention a brand new user who is entering an environment which he is not familiar with. Which in this case, be polite and take care of the client with utmost importance, because it is in fact it is the end user who matters most and not the thick skin Moderator.

We want to make the best impression to the public as we can with an experience that keeps them comming back for more!



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Re: Requesting to become a Moderator
« Reply #33 on: September 24, 2008, 04:48:33 »

Well sure, some of what you say is right, obviously, but it's more than just a list of things to tick, on the way to become a staff member. And you forgot numbers 7 and 8, or should I say 8 and 9?  ;D

8. Actual contribution to the community.
9. The actual need for an addition to the current team.

At present and most of the time, these two are most important, not compatibility with the rest of the team yet, that's a later stage. At least, in my eyes, and I think my 'colleagues' would concur. Age and experience and time spent on the forum, those requirements are a lot more flexible, but without enough and worthwhile contribution, there is virtually nothing to really base a decision on, in my opinion.

And about harsh (well as you say) comments. If you chose to make your application public like you did, with a lot of self praise, then you can expect a silly remark or two, since that's not how things are done in general, here. Advertising one's self with a lot of "I am a great candidate, people should be flattered that I decide to grant you my wisdom and support" typ talk, isn't really my cup of tea, nor that of many members here.

The guidelines for Moderator applications tell you how to go about applying, and you chose to do it differently. As I said, if everyone would do things differently, and would ignore guidelines and/or rules, it would become a mess, agreed? We Mods are here - amongst other things - to keep it from becoming a mess, agreed? So with your application here, you did exactly the opposite of what a Mod would/should do, plus it was posted in the wrong board, also something we Mods always look out for and fix. You say something about setting examples, yet you set the wrong one in this regard, wouldn't you agree? So if you do not know what the gig is about to begin with, how can you claim to be a great candidate and that we should be flattered that you want to join the team?

Do not get me wrong, I am very happy that you care and want to contribute, everyone that wants to help make this a better place and cares about the community is an o.k. chap in my book and is very welcome here of course, but sorry,flattering doesn't come into it, to be honest..  I judge people by their actions, not who they are, where they come from or what they say they have done or achieved in the past. I am an avid simmer too, and my "cv" also has some stuff that I could boast about, with regards to other forums and simulators, but I haven't done that yet and I wont either, because who cares anyway? And before I was asked to join the team, it never even crossed my mind to become a Mod, I was just glad to be here and glad that I could occasionally help someone out and I was enjoying this great game very very much.

So as I said, just be a part of the community, be here because you like it here and like the game. Chat, discuss, help, answer, have fun, enjoy... and more might come in due time. No one starts off by coming along and advertising him or herself as the Moderating gift from the Gods.. You have to show your worth, find your place in the commity, and so on. That's basically what I meant to say.  :)

You don't have to hold back on posting btw, for fear of posting less than perfect quality. As long as you are not spamming you can just post on the forum. They dont ALL have to be 100% quality, we just talk and discuss everyday stuff here too. No worries.

Sweet little Fred  :)



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Re: Requesting to become a Moderator
« Reply #34 on: September 24, 2008, 05:42:09 »

I agree with Fred here. I don't think this thread is going to help you any. You should have got more experience here before you decided to go off posting this and that and wanting to become a moderator.

I have been here for a year, am #4 in most posts, #3 topic poster, and you don't see me begging for moderator or even caring. I think moderators are chosen people that the administrators (wout, pjort) and the others think are worthy. I believe I can do my job helping people just as well not having moderator next to my name. Sure I would like it, but does that make a difference?

Being a moderator isn't what you think it is. You don't change from being a normal member except being trusted and listened too better. Being able to help people more effeciently by moving their posts and editing things. But you are capable of doing all these things as a member also. You may not be able to directly edit a post or move one. But you can notify the moderators or just add a little hint to your post. You can help people and if they are smart they will listen even if your not a moderator.

Back to me.

I have been here since april of 2007. I have been threw the ups and downs of ship simulator and the ups and downs in my own life. I have tried to help to the best of my abilities, give support and advice to the ship simulator members. I have also participated in off-topic posts and intruduced a little fun. I have been banned twice but I don't think the moderators or members on a daily basis see me any different. Everyone has made a few screwups in their life.I just happened to make mine here. And yes I REALLY REALLY REALLY would like to become moderator one day, but its not that big of a deal to me.

I think that your chances of becoming a moderator SOMEDAY are slim to nill, but if you do best of luck. I know I probably won't be a moderator ever. They are probably looking for moderators for other languages anyway to have a bigger audience. Anyway Fred and Terry have these forums covered.

Best Regards,
Austin G.

P.S. I do think they need a little help *wink* *wink*


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Re: Requesting to become a Moderator
« Reply #35 on: September 24, 2008, 06:25:31 »

Maybe in 6 years you'll be a mod A|A..you need to be at least 20 years old...


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Re: Requesting to become a Moderator
« Reply #36 on: September 24, 2008, 06:29:54 »

Maybe in 6 years you'll be a mod A|A..you need to be at least 20 years old...

Really? Weird age 18 in the US is an adult, 21 is drinking age.

But didn't fred just say

"Age and experience and time spent on the forum, those requirements are a lot more flexible"

I am moderator on other forums. Plus doesn't the staff here seem flattered by me. :D


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Re: Requesting to become a Moderator
« Reply #37 on: September 24, 2008, 06:48:35 »

Big Oops... Everyone. I was never intending on becoming a forums Moderator. I am inquiring about the multiplayer section. I was just wondering if one needed to be a Moderator to help run a new TeamSpeak Server for the English community which will serve England, Austrailia, Canada, USA ect ect...



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Re: Requesting to become a Moderator
« Reply #38 on: September 24, 2008, 07:00:17 »


all that typing m8, and you want to be a talker?  ;)

Woof ~ Woof



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Re: Requesting to become a Moderator
« Reply #39 on: September 24, 2008, 07:10:19 »


all that typing m8, and you want to be a talker?  ;)

Woof ~ Woof

Yes. I love to speak.

Auctually, it gets too congested at times during peak hours to communicate with each other and TeamSpeak is the only solution I know of which is available to keep the ball rolling smoothly. Also, too hard to navigate and type at the same time. Allmost need control sharing at times, with another player to keep from crashing during gameplay.

Do you need to be a Forums Moderator for your own Server in multiplayer? Or are they independent from one another?

How does it work?

I will be more then happy to help Moderate New Horizons Rotterdam Server 6.



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Re: Requesting to become a Moderator
« Reply #40 on: September 24, 2008, 07:14:37 »

Yes. I love to speak.

Auctually, it gets too congested at times during peak hours to communicate with each other and TeamSpeak is the only solution I know of which is available to keep the ball rolling smoothly. Also, too hard to navigate and type at the same time. Allmost need control sharing at times, with another player to keep from crashing during gameplay.

Do you need to be a Forums Moderator for your own Server in multiplayer? Or are they independent from one another?

How does it work?

I will be more then happy to help Moderate New Horizons Rotterdam Server 6.

Official VSTEP servers are monitored by moderators.

Or you can make your own and be admin.

Got a teamspeak server you hang out on? I can come chat.


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Re: Requesting to become a Moderator
« Reply #41 on: September 24, 2008, 07:19:53 »

Official VSTEP servers are monitored by moderators.

Or you can make your own and be admin.

Got a teamspeak server you hang out on? I can come chat.

Of course! I love to chat. You can find me during open hours on HollandsGlorie.

Be prepared though, I do not side talk on TeamSpeak, I keep to the game.

HollandsGlorie IP:
Dutch ShipSim IP:

English Server IP: ??.???.???.???


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Re: Requesting to become a Moderator
« Reply #42 on: September 24, 2008, 07:45:33 »

This is what I want if anyone can assist

1. A legal copy of Beta Ship Simulator 2008
2. Code to Ship Simulator 2008 (Microsoft may get a hold of it and help)
3. Moderator of New Horizons Rotterdam Server 6
4. TeamSpeak on English Server

You may send to

« Last Edit: September 24, 2008, 16:53:40 by Mad_Fred »


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Re: Requesting to become a Moderator
« Reply #43 on: September 24, 2008, 07:49:19 »

This is what I want if anyone can assist

1. A legal copy of Beta Ship Simulator 2008
2. Code to Ship Simulator 2008 (Microsoft may get a hold of it and help)
3. Moderator of New Horizons Rotterdam Server 6
4. TeamSpeak on English Server

Hi there,

1. Lots of us have been here for years, and have never had a chance to Beta Test
2. How do you mean, code? you need to purchase it yourself if you want a code?
3. V-step deal with their own servers, again, none of us have ever had that opportunity
4. If you want teamspeak, just download it, i'm sure someone can help you with that. (I don't know much about Teamspeak)

You need to understand, lots of us here have been here for a long time, and some of us have contributed a great deal! But still haven't got any sort of official position with v-step.

p.s. but it is nice that you are showing an interest!
« Last Edit: September 24, 2008, 16:53:54 by Mad_Fred »
Kind Regards,


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Re: Requesting to become a Moderator
« Reply #44 on: September 24, 2008, 08:36:11 »

2. How do you mean, code? you need to purchase it yourself if you want a code?

Hi Jack,
What he wants is the program source code for Ship Simulator Professional so he can get Microsoft to straighten it out, or some such demented idea.


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Re: Requesting to become a Moderator
« Reply #45 on: September 24, 2008, 11:42:08 »

Here's another possibility as i didn't get the #2 either;

as Shipsimulator sound so like Flightsimulator it sounds like a micro$$ product, which it isn't?!

Nevermind.. i wasn't here  ;)

Woof ~ Woof


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Re: Requesting to become a Moderator
« Reply #46 on: September 24, 2008, 21:58:00 »

This is what I want if anyone can assist

1. A legal copy of Beta Ship Simulator 2008
2. Code to Ship Simulator 2008 (Microsoft may get a hold of it and help)
3. Moderator of New Horizons Rotterdam Server 6
4. TeamSpeak on English Server

You may send to


1. I've been here since june 15th, 2006. Never has anyone had that chance, you need to be a beta tester, and also i believe there is no beta SS08, its been released, why not just buy it, or try the demo.
2. Again just buy the game.
3. Not gonna happen, as others have said the official servers are monitered by moderators.
4. simple, download teamspeak, setup a server and start talking english, there is no such thing as a teamspeak server having a set language its whatever the people are speaking.


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Re: Requesting to become a Moderator
« Reply #47 on: September 24, 2008, 21:59:47 »

Hi Master Captain.

If you look, you'll see that our unusual friend has now deleted his account and left us.

So you're now talking to yourself.

Does this mean that you're planning to be "unusual" in his place?  ;D

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Re: Requesting to become a Moderator
« Reply #48 on: September 24, 2008, 22:01:58 »

so i see... :P Nope i'm gonna stay calm and quiet as i've been for the past 2 years ::)


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Re: Requesting to become a Moderator
« Reply #49 on: September 25, 2008, 01:15:18 »

Calm and quiet” what’s that like? I’ve never tried it. I’ve heard stories that one’s head could explode if you try that while reading certain posts.

Pay no attention to anything he said; he just hasn’t a clue. He started by asking someone to email a copy of SS 2008 Professional. When I said it was too big for an email attachment and I’d have to send him a DVD, he PM’d me his mailing address.

It turned out that he really wanted the source code so he could show it to Microsoft for their opinion.
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