Uhm, I think we're mixing things up.In the case of posting content:You can post anything you made (like a new horn) on the forum, or give a link to it.But other people's work, other people's horns or lights or whatever, are off limits, unless you have permission.But with a signature image, it's no big deal, if Capt.Bluebeard makes you a sig, then you can just put it in your signature box, that's what it's there for, by making it for you (if he does), he allready will agree that you post it out in the open.Fred.
That because he's Capt. Bluebeard now. http://www.shipsim.com/ShipSimForum/index.php?action=profile;u=24334
Howcome we are the only people here? SHouldnt the other people have taken a look? And said somthing?
Well remember most people are from europe this was posted in america time well california time
Just a warning Capt Bluebeard isnt the Greatest at english so try to understand ask him if you think he made a mistake. And he says "haw" Alot. Like "haw you want your sig?"
I own both simulators and have every add on availible for both. I also have the new radio sounds and the new horn sounds. Wait, I just repeated myself.
Certainly could get into trouble if the man who created the horn and radio sounds saw this.And you don't have all the add-ons. Creators Forum has lots of ones you don't. So does the "ships Lights" forum.