There are indeed two separate azimuthing controls, one for each pod, turning the pod limitless at 6 deg/s.
There is also a supplementary standard steering control that turns both pods simultaneously at a 2.5 deg/s rate up to +/- 35° steering angle.
Selecting one or the other steering mode - steering or manoeuvring - is done "automatically", the last command superseding the previous commands. The steering wheel overrides previous commands on both pods, while a change in the angle of an azimuthing control changes the angle only of its corresponding pod.
So, you are right when you say
For example, I can turn the rudder 25-degrees to the right with the steering wheel, YET at the same time, I can turn Azimuth-pod #1 to 10-degrees left, and Azimuth-pod #2 to 20-degrees right.
at the same time is not possible, the result will depend on the sequence of your commands. I don't think that it is possible to confuse the system, but switching modes should preferably be done with some care, having for instance reset to midships the mode you are leaving.
Unfortunately indeed, the visual indications of the controls not in use - meters, indicators, levers or wheel - are not updated consistently with the angle of the pod, and there is also nothing that indicates what your last action was, potentially confusing your actions.
Synchronizing the visual indications and having the meters to show the actual values of the controlled equipment instead of the value set to the control will hopefully be implemented in a next update, if possible.