Hello TFM,
PoR in SSEx reaches 12 knots astern after 2 minutes if kept at full astern, and can easily be steered to keep its heading even at this speed.
At speeds more than 6 to 8 knots astern, steering is needed with very small rudder angles to stay on course, from 0.5° to 1.5°. The ship is then course unstable, it means that if you don't steer, she will begin to yaw.
Under 8 knots, the ship should steady her heading without help, and you can learn how to control the ship thanks to the yaw indicator and the rudder angle, as the ratio yaw rate/rudder angle to match the yaw is the basic data you must keep in mind, it depends mostly on the speed. But the course stability is (too) good under 8 knots.
No need to say, don't make a mistake when steering, if you go at a speed that your thrusters cannot control, otherwise you will throw the ship in a turn difficult to counteract.
When turning astern at speed, some caution is needed to keep the control of the ship. But that is not specific.
And I was perhaps not enough clear : Don't use the thrusters if you try steering astern, they are not at all reliable now, wait for the patch that will correct the controls. Try to use exclusively the wheel steering as it is now, both rudders together, until you can control the ship at any (reasonable) speed inside Dover or Calais. I think that leaving Beneluxhaven without thrusters is possible, but very difficult.