Hi Frin63,
Yes, the notes in the ME are not easy to edit. I keep all of the notes for a mission in a text editor file, and edit them there. Then I paste them into the Mission Editor after backspacing over the old note.
One must be very careful about making any changes to waypoints. It is easy to corrupt the internal data structures by deleting or moving waypoints or objects.
There is no easy way to transfer a waypoint onto a different object.
Specifically, you cannot substitute a different ship—even one of the same type—after the waypoints are made.
One serious mistake many creators make is failure to give every area object a unique name. Another is deleting a ship without first removing all waypoints and mooring lines or other attachments to that ship, or deleting an AI path without first deleting every ship on the path.
The XML files are very easily corrupted—simply attempting to upload them to the forum without encapsulating them in a compressed folder will usually damage them.
Mission files are in a special format that most XML editors cannot handle.