Ship Simulator

English forum => Small talk => The Chat Lounge => Topic started by: Ralphy on October 20, 2010, 20:42:08

Title: Your First Post
Post by: Ralphy on October 20, 2010, 20:42:08
I'm interested in what your first post is...was it pointless jarble or a helpful essay? i think mine was the jarble one  ;D

ive fallen of the pride of rotterdam it then made me go so far away i then couldent see it any more

So post your's here

go to your profile ----> To the bottom of the page ----> Show the last posts of this member ----> go to the last page ----> quote it ----> post it in this topic

IMPORTANT: Please don't bump any old topics that your first posts are in!
Title: Re: Your First Post
Post by: VirtualSkipper on October 20, 2010, 20:47:41
I had a problem then with SS08 New Horizons

I got Ship Simulator 2008 for a while but when i bought New Horizons the whole games doesnt work anymore.
Like: I choose a new boat, play it for 5 minutes and then a error report appears, shutting down the whole game. Even in Bridge View it shuts down faster!! :(
I have Windows Vista and have all the updates installed. I reïnstalled the game for like 6 times!(with all the updates!!) And i have all the requirements.

Please help me!! :'(
Title: Re: Your First Post
Post by: michael_taal on October 20, 2010, 21:40:21
ook gaaf zou zijn dat je je radar uit kan zetten dat zie je heel vaak als ze zijn aangemeerd
 translate to english
also nice is that you can turn of your radar you see it mutch when you are docked in real life
Title: Re: Your First Post
Post by: matt5674 on October 20, 2010, 21:49:14
i agree with you i don't know how to get that height of waves for the big titanic or the other big boats :(
First post then and no one welcomed me ::)
Title: Re: Your First Post
Post by: freeciv on October 20, 2010, 21:56:47
My first post was a new topic (,18593.msg251673.html#msg251673).
Title: Re: Your First Post
Post by: Ballast on October 21, 2010, 08:06:20
I can't see my first post anymore since it was on the old forum but it was something like "Hi i'm Ballast and i'm a ShipSim addict  :blush:"


Title: Re: Your First Post
Post by: Minime on October 21, 2010, 11:07:19
there should be an online shipsim, where you have an career, and you have to work from the bottom to the top.
funny though, I don't agree with myself.
Title: Re: Your First Post
Post by: Captain Spencer on October 21, 2010, 11:10:18
Hi guys,

I've moved this into the Chat Lounge as it's not really meant for the General Chat area now. Please try and remember this from now on, as it will make the forum much clearer :)

Ohh and my first post? It was here (,796.msg8353.html#msg8353).

Ohh such a long time ago  :doh:
Title: Re: Your First Post
Post by: Ralphy on October 21, 2010, 18:15:36
hehe, you called season nub cake  ;D

and btw i made this topic before the childboards were introduced, you may have just been reminding people but the way i understood it was that you were sort of warning me.
Title: Re: Your First Post
Post by: Shipaddict on October 21, 2010, 18:19:31
That's what she used to be called :P

Season sounds better if you ask me :)
Title: Re: Your First Post
Post by: cptnchris on October 21, 2010, 19:42:15
My first post was a topic about really stupid multiplayer questions  :doh: But sure enough great answers came  :thumbs:
Title: Re: Your First Post
Post by: Captain Spencer on October 21, 2010, 19:53:14
and btw i made this topic before the childboards were introduced, you may have just been reminding people but the way i understood it was that you were sort of warning me.

Warning you? No not at all, I was just simply reminding people that topics must be posted in the right place now that we've changed a few things.

Sorry if you thought I was warning you, but it was not my intention ;)
Title: Re: Your First Post
Post by: Ralphy on October 21, 2010, 19:55:12

i just got the wrong end of the stick.

Back on topic now...
Title: Re: Your First Post
Post by: Tomaten on October 22, 2010, 12:58:13
I can't see my first post anymore since it was on the old forum but it was something like "Hi i'm Ballast and i'm a ShipSim addict  :blush:"


Same for me mate ;D

First post on this forum:
I really think it shoud be a demo ..but not for just 1 h..  maybe some days, ore a demo where you just can choose 1 boat and 1 place to be on..
Title: Re: Your First Post
Post by: v.h94 on October 24, 2010, 21:35:34
Nothing beats my first post :doh:

Me to ???
Title: Re: Your First Post
Post by: Captain Cadet on October 30, 2010, 08:43:04
same here
I think it to old  :captain:
 :2thumbs: :2thumbs: :2thumbs: :2thumbs: :2thumbs: :2thumbs: :2thumbs: :2thumbs: :2thumbs: :2thumbs: :2thumbs: :2thumbs: :2thumbs:
Title: Re: Your First Post
Post by: derf_1957 on November 05, 2010, 12:15:55
My first post was just last month, jumped into the current contest head first.  I'm 53, retired heavy equipment operator and should have stepped slowly.  Ship design, full size or just a model is way harder then I thought.
Title: Re: Your First Post
Post by: Alex the ship driver on January 02, 2011, 15:12:27
hear is mine

the Gojira by far.
it was in favorite ship topic.
Title: Re: Your First Post
Post by: 2000 on January 02, 2011, 15:27:23
But, why are the whaling ships AI.

I dont remember it being that because i Registered December 20, 2009 and that post was in august 2010?
Title: Re: Your First Post
Post by: --tractorman-- on January 02, 2011, 17:05:39
Notice how a lot of peoples personalities change over time from their first post then CC's doesn't :P

anyway heres mine

Country: UK

City & State/Province: Devon!

Age: 13

Sex: Male

Top 3 Other Games You Current Play:
2.rigs of rods

Other Simulators You Enjoy (If not in the 3 above):
1.Euro truck Simulator
2.Ship Sim 08 (when i get a new computer i will get it, i sooo want it!)
3.Train Simulator 2006

Closest major port: Devon Port

Desired port locations (limit to 3 choices):
1. Douglas, isle of man
2. docks at liverpool
3. Dock at Haysham

Desired vessels/vessel types to be seen in upcoming Ship Simulator versions (limit to 3 choices):
1. Viking (Old name "Superseacat 2")
2. Snaefell (Old name "Superseacat 1")
3. Ben My Chree   (all 3 ferrys at the "Steam-Packet" company, isle of man ferrys)
See the pictures on my signiture, all 3 ferrys abouve are in it!

Where did you purchase your copy of Ship Simulator (Name of Business - City, State/Province - Country): Country: Italy province: Savona City: Savona Name of Busines: Game stop

On a scale from 1-5, how would you rate Ship Simulator currently: 4

Which is more appealing to you in Ship Simulator, the technical simulator aspects (such as docking, tugging, crane operations, etc.) or the fast, speedy arcade style of playing (such as races, ramping, and such): Docking, i love docking ferrys, hard, but worth it!

Any additional comments or suggestions welcome here: Id like to see more british ferrys, its what i love most!
Title: Re: Your First Post
Post by: Capt. Matt on January 02, 2011, 17:22:29
I am trying to start a server some of you may have tried to connect to it (Captain Matt) i can connect to it but Nobody else can how do I fix this my Port is 6090 and it is a Public Server. Helllppppp
-Captain Matt

I had the game in 2008 just didn't join on here til March 09 :P

Title: Re: Your First Post
Post by: dexter7 on January 02, 2011, 18:51:30
how would someone like the emma maersk on ss 2008 :captain:

i wanted emma mearsk but found out mearsk won't allow it :doh: >:(
Title: Re: Your First Post
Post by: Casey13 on January 12, 2011, 03:18:25
My first post was about Ship Simulator Extremes being delayed.


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