Ship Simulator

English forum => Small talk => Topic started by: Chris-S1 on October 27, 2009, 23:13:59

Title: wale wars
Post by: Chris-S1 on October 27, 2009, 23:13:59
Is any one flowing the wale wars series this year?

What are your views?
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Agent|Austin on October 27, 2009, 23:18:04
WHALE, not wale.
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Wave Music on October 27, 2009, 23:24:18
WHALE, not wale.

FOLLOWING, not flowing.

Current score:    A|A  1,  WM  1
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: TJK on October 27, 2009, 23:24:27
This topic has been discussed before and was closed and deleted
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Chris-S1 on October 27, 2009, 23:26:52
TJK  why?

FOLLOWING, not flowing.

Current score:    A|A  1,  WM  1
WHALE, not wale.

 :o :-\  you  guys  pick on me to much  tut tut  :'(
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Ballast on October 27, 2009, 23:28:24
Paul Watson makes a complete fool out of himself with his incompetent and unprofessional crew.
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Chris-S1 on October 27, 2009, 23:30:43
Paul Watson makes a complete fool out of himself with his incompetent and unprofessional crew.
true   but  thay make  a dam good  try  at  stoping the  japanese whaling fleet
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Captain Darling on October 27, 2009, 23:31:11
I watch it, of course whaling isn't good but I only watch it to see the humorous ways of the captain, and of course his 1st mate.. Seems he's clueless about organisational skills and has a bad attitude towards his peers.

All I say, there are much better ways than what they do frequently..
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Chris-S1 on October 27, 2009, 23:34:33
I watch it, of course whaling isn't good but I only watch it to see the humorous ways of the captain, and of course his 1st mate.. Seems he's clueless about organisational skills and has a bad attitude towards his peers.

All I say, there are much better ways than what they do frequently..
   you  dont say  the 1st mate  is  fool   a 12 year old  could do a better  job  than him.  the  thing  is but from thair background thay do a good  job   after all thay  are just  hippys  and who duznt like hippys :D

It was an war here on the forum :evil:
wale meat are tasty and relay good food, i love wale :thumbs:
   ah i see  but i dont see    why  should  and argument start over  a tv program  thats  just  dum ???
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Ballast on October 27, 2009, 23:35:13
true   but  thay make  a dam good  try  at  stoping the  japanese whaling fleet

If they dont get lost at sea, because the gyro compass goes bananas.

It was an war here on the forum :evil:
wale meat are tasty and relay good food, i love wale :thumbs:

Save the ocean, eat whale. Every time they do their doodoo in the ocean, the water level rises!  :doh:
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Wave Music on October 27, 2009, 23:35:45
This topic has been discussed before and was closed and deleted

Tore, I think you're speaking about this (,15333.0.html) one, which is locked due to one clown that escaped from the circus that day.

2 more topics about the same subject & I wanna cookie!,14016.0.html,14413.0.html

Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Agent|Austin on October 27, 2009, 23:50:01
Paul Watson makes a complete fool out of himself with his incompetent and unprofessional crew.

Really... I have visited the offices here in washington, they are very professional. Just because some people think that killing all the whales in the ocean is acceptable doesn't mean that the people trying to stop it are unprofessional.
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Ballast on October 27, 2009, 23:57:37
Really... I have visited the offices here in washington, they are very professional. Just because some people think that killing all the whales in the ocean is acceptable doesn't mean that the people trying to stop it are unprofessional.

I'm not talking about their goal, i'm talking about the crew on board.

A captain who sends his ship into an icefield, while the ship has no ice class at all. A chief mate who cant steer the manually. A crew that freaks out because a fault in the gyro compass (whatever happend to the magnetic compass?!). Crew getting lost at sea with the RIB because they have no experience at all.

Need to mention more?  ;D
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Captain Darling on October 27, 2009, 23:59:34
Really... I have visited the offices here in washington, they are very professional. Just because some people think that killing all the whales in the ocean is acceptable doesn't mean that the people trying to stop it are unprofessional.
Well seeing them in action says it all - and it's them onboard that count.

I don't see Peter Brown being proffessional at all...
Come to think of it, does any of the officers onboard hold licenses/tickets? If not it wouldn't surprise me..
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Dave M on October 28, 2009, 01:01:41
Hi all,
It's good to see that everyone is being civil.

Please make sure it stays that way.  :police:
This is just a reminder.  ;)

Regards, Dave
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Capt. Matt on October 28, 2009, 01:38:07
I Enjoy watching whale wars for the humor of watching them communicate...It really is a clown fest that show  :P I dont mean to start a dispute, just throwing in my humble opinion  ;)
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Jammy on October 28, 2009, 02:30:36
I love Whale Wars, have done for quite a while as people can tell from my signature. I think that it's disappointing most of the people on this forum find them very unprofessional and reckless. The reckless part I disagree with, as after all if it stops whales being hunted then I'm all for it. The unprofessional part I partly agree with, as the only reason people think this is because of first mate Peter Brown, whose attitude to everyone else onboard is disgusting, especially when he turned down modernisation by someone from the US Navy (who would have training and experience) for a flipping check-list.
As for Sea Shepherd's tactics, I strongly support them compared to Greenpeace, who honestly just park their boats to make it more awkward and hold up signs. You can see which tactic works better by the fact that the Japanese whalers are absolutely terrified of Sea Shepherd, they even built nets around their ships so that Sea Shepherd can't board them. If you look at the whalers website, you will find more videos and photos on Sea Shepherd than that of Greenpeace which goes to show which is more effective in their encounters.

A captain who sends his ship into an icefield, while the ship has no ice class at all.

The ice was small, and easy to sail through. What you're thinking of is later on, but that was the weather's fault, as the Steve Irwin was only sheltering behind an iceberg from the wind when the next morning it was surrounded by ice.

A chief mate who cant steer the manually.

Peter Brown is an idiot, don't let his idiocy make you judge the rest of the crew.

A crew that freaks out because a fault in the gyro compass (whatever happend to the magnetic compass?!).

The gyro compass controls the pitch and roll of the ship in heavy seas, when that went offline the whole ship went bonkers, but they didn't freak out at all like you just said they did. I thought the way they handled it was really well, the crew laughed at it, whilst the people on the bridge handled and fixed it in a very professional manner I thought. The fact he fixed something so delicate in so little time I find very professional.

Crew getting lost at sea with the RIB because they have no experience at all.

It's impossible to have a radio conversation whilst they are going at the speed they are, especially in heavy seas, if you want to stop a boat just to have a conversation whilst in pursuit of whalers then be my guest.

I don't see Peter Brown being proffessional at all...

Who does?

   you  dont say  the 1st mate  is  fool   a 12 year old  could do a better  job  than him.  the  thing  is but from thair background thay do a good  job   after all thay  are just  hippys  and who duznt like hippys :D

They aren't hippies, just because some have beards does that mean they adhere to the hippy stereotype? I'm pretty sure the stereotype of fishermen having beards is more close than the hippy stereotype. Besides, aren't hippies non-violent and just stand around holding signs? I thought we were criticising Sea Shepherd for not having those values like Greenpeace does. Yes I said it, Greenpeace are more like hippies than Sea Shepherd.

Paul Watson makes a complete fool out of himself with his incompetent and unprofessional crew.

I think the way Paul Watson handled the ice field situation is self-explanatory, how can he make a fool of himself when his way of handling things is like a relief and a godsend. Peter Brown is an idiot, yes we all know that, and when Paul Watson took command everything became more calm and relaxing. But the rest of the crew isn't incompetent and unprofessional, they are geniuses hushed down by Peter Brown's stubbornness to change.
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Capt. Matt on October 28, 2009, 02:45:49
Wow how long did It take you to write that reply :P
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Jammy on October 28, 2009, 02:49:36
Wow how long did It take you to write that reply :P

Not quite sure, possibly an hour, I have way too much time on my hands...
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Chris-S1 on October 28, 2009, 03:03:49
Jammy I freeking love u man
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Agent|Austin on October 28, 2009, 04:05:09
Jammy I freeking love u man

freaking, not freeking.

you, not u.

and add a period...
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 28, 2009, 09:44:26
freaking, not freeking.

you, not u.

and add a period...
You. Not 'you, not u.'

And add a full stop... Not 'and add a period...'

Which is a polite way to say please stop picking on Chris because of his punctuation and grammer. Yes, it was a bit amusing the first time you and WM said that up the page, but perhaps it is likely to cause offence if continued.*

*And anyone who quotes this post to me later on when I rip somebody to bits for their grammer, punctuation and spelling is going to find that I deny writing this post. (WM you have been warned!  ;D)
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Agent|Austin on October 28, 2009, 09:58:07
You. Not 'you, not u.'

And add a full stop... Not 'and add a period...'

Which is a polite way to say please stop picking on Chris because of his punctuation and grammer. Yes, it was a bit amusing the first time you and WM said that up the page, but perhaps it is likely to cause offence if continued.*

*And anyone who quotes this post to me later on when I rip somebody to bits for their grammer, punctuation and spelling is going to find that I deny writing this post. (WM you have been warned!  ;D)

It was amusing, until you arrived...   :thumbdown:

Edit: That was mean.. But then again, everyone is being mean today. :(
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Nathan|C on October 28, 2009, 10:19:50
1st Mate is clearly clueless :doh:

"Which way do I need to go, Port or Starboard?"
"I can't go to Port I'm already all the way over to starboard!"

What was the point of asking then!?  ::)

Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 28, 2009, 10:52:34
Edit: That was mean.. But then again, everyone is being mean today. :(

The point I was making is that you had a bit of a laugh at Chris, but perhaps it isn't funny to keep on at him. There's already been a post from a God-erator asking for us not to declare war on each other. I am not declaring war on you, you will be relieved to hear, just trying to ask you to leave Chris alone.

Right- I'm off to join the UN...

EDIT: Please tell me that A)That wasn't the 1st mate at the helm... not worried about him not knowing left/right, but pannicking. B)That shot with the hull buckling was trick photography and not real ice... Interesting video Nathan
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Nathan|C on October 28, 2009, 11:08:13
A) Yup, that's Peter, the 1st Mate :-X

B) Who knows, but it's certainly no icebreaker :captain:
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 28, 2009, 11:58:02
A) Yup, that's Peter, the 1st Mate :-X
Our father, who art in heaven... Or the Islamic/Judaism/Hindu/Jedi/Pagan/aethiest equivelant  ::)

B) Who knows, but it's certainly no icebreaker :captain:
Our father, who art in heaven... Or the Islamic/Judaism/Hindu/Jedi/Pagan/aethiest equivelant :o

Now I see why this has been so contraversial.... A controversy- and I didn't start it and haven't even been in it.... Now that is :o :o
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Wave Music on October 28, 2009, 11:58:09
*And anyone who quotes this post to me later on when I rip somebody to bits for their grammer, punctuation and spelling is going to find that I deny writing this post. (WM you have been warned!  ;D)

Actually, Stu, I'm sitting, drinking beer & reading all this which is a bit entertaining when it's getting to wale wars between members.  ;D
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 28, 2009, 12:01:58
I wouldn't mind, WM, but on this rare occasion I'm not a combatant. I was trying to stop AA and C1 from fighting by metaphorically banging their heads together.

It's a bit like the U.N. going in as a peace keeper and getting shot at.

(I am watching my spelling, grammer and punctuation very carefully. I think I know your humour well enough by now!) :evil:
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: TerryRussell on October 28, 2009, 12:18:13
(I am watching my spelling, grammer and punctuation very carefully.

As in "grammar"?  :evil:  :doh:  ;D
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 28, 2009, 12:28:38
As in "grammar"?  :evil:  :doh:  ;D

Joking aside, Terry. My spelling is getting really bad. I used to be 99.999% correct- I honestly don't know if it is me rushing, reading so much other bad prose here, stress, or CJD. Not good...  :(

Or is it a lack of Marmite in my brain?  ???
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: IRI5HJ4CK on October 28, 2009, 12:45:04
Old age Stuart.... :doh:
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 28, 2009, 12:52:27
Old age Stuart.... :doh:

Go forth and multiply.

Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Ballast on October 28, 2009, 16:48:49
The ice was small, and easy to sail through. What you're thinking of is later on, but that was the weather's fault, as the Steve Irwin was only sheltering behind an iceberg from the wind when the next morning it was surrounded by ice.
The weathers fault? Don't blame the weather, blame the guy who put them in that situation.
The gyro compass controls the pitch and roll of the ship in heavy seas, when that went offline the whole ship went bonkers, but they didn't freak out at all like you just said they did. I thought the way they handled it was really well, the crew laughed at it, whilst the people on the bridge handled and fixed it in a very professional manner I thought. The fact he fixed something so delicate in so little time I find very professional.
The gyro compass doesn’t control the pitch and the rolling of the vessel. The gyro compass indicates the ‘gyro north’. Same way that the magnetic compass indicates the ‘magnetic north’. One of the benefits of a gyro compass, is that you can connect all kinds of things on it. E.g. a pilot or a radar.

The gyro compass went bananas, causing the pilot losing its input. That’s the way the ship made crazy course changes and starting rolling and pitching because the waves were coming in from abeam.

In this case the Officer of the Watch should have turn off the pilot and steer  the ship manually or switch the pilot to magnetic compass (if the pilot has that function).
It's impossible to have a radio conversation whilst they are going at the speed they are, especially in heavy seas, if you want to stop a boat just to have a conversation whilst in pursuit of whalers then be my guest.
I followed a fast rescue training with a RIB. At the course they learn the crew of the RIB search paterns to search people who went over board. You also learn how to communicate between the ship and the RIB.
I think the way Paul Watson handled the ice field situation is self-explanatory, how can he make a fool of himself when his way of handling things is like a relief and a godsend. Peter Brown is an idiot, yes we all know that, and when Paul Watson took command everything became more calm and relaxing. But the rest of the crew isn't incompetent and unprofessional, they are geniuses hushed down by Peter Brown's stubbornness to change.
First ask the question about who putted them in that situation? In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king.
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 28, 2009, 17:30:58
I must admit that they don't on the whole inspire confidence and it is quite a large vessel for a 1st 'officer' who doesn't know his port from his cognac.

Perhaps that's their game plan- they don't INTENTIONALLY ram the whaling vessels...
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Nathan|C on October 28, 2009, 17:34:07
"Captain" Paul Watson pretending to be shot?
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 28, 2009, 17:41:00
It might just be down to poor editing, but it seemed to me that the anti-whalehunt ship (sorry- forgotten its name already) sent the first projectile.

I am against whale hunting, but this bunch of muppets are not helping their cause.

EDIT: If he had been shot, even with a bullet resistant vest on, he would have been a bit more shaken up than that. I wonder if any professional psychologists have watched his description after... Listen to how he says it and when he looks towards crew/camera and when he looks away.


EDIT2: I see looking on youtube and reading Nathans post, that I'm not the only one who thinks that is faked... A wee bit casual "you've been shot"
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: IRI5HJ4CK on October 28, 2009, 17:48:37
It's alllll' for the Camera... ::)
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Ballast on October 28, 2009, 17:51:08
Looks to me like it's a piece that's broken off his wannabe sherrif badge.
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 28, 2009, 17:51:47
It's alllll' for the Camera... ::)

As one person on youtube wrote "it's all about seperating the gullible from their money" I never thought I'd see an organisation that would make me appreciate greenpeace!

BALLAST: No, it was shot allright, but not when captain pugwash was wearing it.
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Nathan|C on October 28, 2009, 17:53:06
When, In that video, you hear two bangs and then someone says "shots fired"...Those two bangs didn't sound like gunshots to me, but more like the flashbang grenades earlier in the video  ???
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 28, 2009, 17:53:51
You can do wonders in photoshop et al
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Agent|Austin on October 28, 2009, 17:59:34
They have other video on their website, including ramming the Nishin Mauro, excellent video! They have successfully knocked their whale hunting down 500 whales per year, major effects on their money. The Japanese need 750 whales to break even.
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 28, 2009, 18:07:33
Yes, all very well. But they are only a gnats knacker from piracy and from piracy its a 'politicians honesty box' to terrorism.

I know you wouldn't condone terrorism, so it is quite difficult to reconcile the two points, don't you think?
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: siso7 on October 28, 2009, 18:22:31
I havn't seen Whale Wars, only the comercial for it and it looks brilliant!
I really wanna watch but I always forget when it goes :P

some of them looks a bit dumd though like in Deadliest Catch, but that dosen't that the rest of them are ;)
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Agent|Austin on October 28, 2009, 18:25:38
It's alllll' for the Camera... ::)

Not according to their interview on CNN, the camera crew just records what they do, no scripts, no acting.
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 28, 2009, 18:29:03
Just like that hot air balloon that blew away with that kid inside it. THAT was reported as real.
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Agent|Austin on October 28, 2009, 18:38:50
Just like that hot air balloon that blew away with that kid inside it. THAT was reported as real.

It was real, minus the kid inside...
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 28, 2009, 18:42:59
It was real, minus the kid inside...

You mean "kid trapped inside hot air balloon on a death defying ride across the sky. Fears for his future. Surely he will die" actually should have been "big bag blows away in wind"

and you think that means the same thing?
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Agent|Austin on October 28, 2009, 18:53:31
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 28, 2009, 18:56:29

ok... ???
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: captain qwerty on October 28, 2009, 19:15:19
has anyone seen what ship is going to join the steve Irwin next series (hint: its a record braker)
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: captain qwerty on October 28, 2009, 19:17:56
Yay, the idiot first mate has left :2thumbs: :2thumbs: :2thumbs: :2thumbs: :2thumbs: :2thumbs: :2thumbs:
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 28, 2009, 19:22:46
Good. Has the idiot captain left as well?
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Wave Music on October 28, 2009, 19:23:07
Read the red edits & the last post in that (,15333.0.html) topic, if you don't want this one to have the same fate.
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: captain qwerty on October 28, 2009, 19:23:59
Nope, but someone else is going to have to captain earthrace (new ship for the shepards)
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 28, 2009, 19:27:15
Read the red edits & the last post in that (,15333.0.html) topic, if you don't want this one to have the same fate.

Thanks, WM. I don't think this is quite the same. That bloke was a little emotive in his opinions. Bless. Criticising the bridge crew of the vessel isn't the same as calling them a bunch of asterisks.

Criticising based on objective reasoning is, I'm sure you will agree, not a problem Emotive swearing is. And Mad Fred will get Mad(der)
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: captain qwerty on October 28, 2009, 19:28:41
Yep, I save my swearing for facebook ;)
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Agent|Austin on October 28, 2009, 19:29:39
Good. Has the idiot captain left as well?

Paul is not an idiot, Peter is...

When are going to start calling the Japanese captains idiots, because they are.
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 28, 2009, 19:32:05
I find that refraining from swearing and using an eloquent put down is far, far more effective.

Swearing just demonstrates a poor grasp of the English language (or whichever happens to be your main tongue)

Paul is not an idiot, Peter is...
When are going to start calling the Japanese captains idiots, because they are.
Let me try and put it in an objective way. Forget the whales; if this was a commercial passenger carrying ship and you were going round, say Cape Horn, in winter. Would you feel happy with these two members of crew in charge of your ship.

Remember motive and ability are NOT the same thing...
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Agent|Austin on October 28, 2009, 19:34:40
Would you feel happy with these two members of crew in charge of your ship.

Yes, they have had their ship in very harsh conditions before, and are perfectly capable of navigation & other actives aboard. Although I don't think they have enough experience to pilot a passenger vessel of a larger size.
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Nathan|C on October 28, 2009, 19:37:14
Yes, they have had their ship in very harsh conditions before, and are perfectly capable of navigation & other actives aboard.

How do you know this for sure?  :P

She's already been in 10 or so collisions and it always seems that Sea Shepherd are blaming the Japanese...
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Agent|Austin on October 28, 2009, 19:56:09
They purposely ram the other ships to try to disable them.
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Nathan|C on October 28, 2009, 20:20:21
Who are? The Japanese or Sea Shepherd?
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Dave M on October 28, 2009, 21:04:55
Hi all,
Just to let you know, I am still keeping an eye on this topic.  :police: :)
I know that feelings run high about some things, but, if something makes you angry it is best, (and, as Stuart says, more effective), to step back and come up with a reasoned arguement.

Regards, Dave M
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Chris-S1 on October 29, 2009, 17:59:45
ok dave :)
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Jammy on October 29, 2009, 19:30:37
Who are? The Japanese or Sea Shepherd?

They are both as bad, the Japanese once rammed the Greenpeace ship and had the nerve to blame Greenpeace for it, Greenpeace are too pathetic to do anything to stop whalers, let alone ramming them. So the Japanese are hypocrites a lot of the time.

Besides, the last major ramming Sea Shepherd performed was really the Japanese's fault, if you're driving along a road, and you throw a grenade into someone's car driving next to you, of course there's a chance that the person next to you will hit you. It's the same with Sea Shepherd, the Japanese were using all sorts of technology to make Sea Shepherd's crew throw up, give them headaches and temporarily blind them with flash bombs, of course there's a chance the Steve Irwin will try to pull out the way but end up going the wrong way. Of course, I may be wrong, as soon as this dilemma is seen on Whale Wars I'll be able to judge the actions properly and see who was in the wrong.
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: saltydog on October 29, 2009, 19:47:08
It's disturbing that Sea Shepherd is interfering with the Japanese research on whales..
It is important that research is done untill before there are no more whales..
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Agent|Austin on October 29, 2009, 19:53:03
The research of eating them... I assume that was sarcastic, but the mothership for the japanese packages whale meat on board.

BTW, the show does not document every single minute of their 5-6 months at sea...
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: saltydog on October 29, 2009, 20:20:36
Here's "research" in progress, with the Steve Irwin in the background..
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Jammy on October 29, 2009, 20:31:29
The stupid thing is the Japanese research is kept to themselves, which still makes it illegal. The only breakthroughs they've found and released are 2 tiny facts about the way the whales eat, and that's after killing over a 1000 whales in the last few years.
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Agent|Austin on October 29, 2009, 20:36:15
They usually kill about 750 whales a year, but now have only been killing about 450.

There "breakthroughs" are just what they find when the butcher the poor animal.
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Jammy on October 29, 2009, 20:41:08
Exactly, killing all those whales are really not worth these tiny facts are they? It's like if your dog was choking, would you chop its head off to find out what it was choking on because death by the Japanese whalers standards doesn't mean anything.
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: LukeL on October 29, 2009, 23:05:40
Did anyone see the most recent episode of South Park, it was hillarious!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

the whole episode was about the "sea shepard" crew, and japanese whaling

Warning: viewer discretion is advised!
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 29, 2009, 23:08:57
Agent A. If I may, and with respect to Dave M comments especially, point out one thing.

There is a confusion between their MOTIVES and ABILITIES. I think it very contraversial to argue about the merits of whale hunting. For my part, I agree with you totally. It is a barbaric practice that nearly all nations have boycotted.

However, if you are asking about the conduct of the sea shepherd crew, than that is a totally seperate issue. I personally don't think they are doing the anti-whale hunting cause any good at all. I don't really have a lot of time for Greenpeace either (too political) but at least they act in a more professional manner.

However, that this discussion has reached 3 (soon 4?) pages means that the shepherd crew has done something useful... they have got people TALKING about it- which is a laudable achievement.
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: saltydog on October 29, 2009, 23:11:36
I'm sure the whales will be pleased that we are talking about it..
 We are emptiying the oceans allready, what do a few oversized sardines matter, right..?
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Dave M on October 30, 2009, 02:02:42
Hi saltydog,
Sardines are fish, whales are cetacea.
As I said earlier, please make a proper point. According to 'Wikipedia' the numbers of whales of most species are rising. I eat fish on a fairly regular basis, (most of which are born/grown/farmed in a controlled environment), whales cannot be supplied in this way.

Certain species of whale have disappeared in the last 200 years, the existing ones seem to be doing ok.

Almost all of the rare elements of a whale have been replaced by synthetic substances that are a lot cheaper and easier to get hold of, and so I cannot see why they are still hunted by the more civilised populations of the world.

Some peoples have a need for the whale meat, (maybe the innuit and other small nations throughout the world), because of their traditional diet.

This doesn't mean that I support the sort of actions that this 'Television Program' promotes.
Please remember that this 'Television Program' is produced by someone sitting in New York or London or somewhere and their only interest is 'Viewer Figures'.
If one ship rams another one at sea then you may expect that someone might be killed.

If someone isn't killed in the collision and the Japanese ship is disabled then will it be taken in tow? Or left to drift into trouble?

Playing these sorts of games is ok in SS08 but in real life it is very dangerous.

Regards, Dave
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: gibby12 on October 30, 2009, 02:21:31
this topic seems usless what are we talking about any way
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Agent|Austin on October 30, 2009, 07:15:28
what are we talking about

Whale Wars....
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: IRI5HJ4CK on October 30, 2009, 12:06:15
I don't support either...That won't make me popular, but I stand by this, like supporters stand by Sea Shepard/Whalers

Whaling is wrong - Us humans have always been the same, however, and we'll eat absolutely anything, for the sake of it...Or to try it out...There is neither a difference between me going down to the farm and ringing a chickens neck, or Harpooning a whale....
In my opinion, though, if something is killed...Every last bit of it should be eaten. A life has been sacrificed for our benefit, so we should be thankful we do have something to eat (Unlike some other countries which for years have suffered poverty). I'm no way religious, that's just my way of looking at it.

On the other hand, from a Seafarer's point of view, ramming whaling ships endangers every member aboard that ship, and the Ship which is the one doing the ramming. Worse case scenario being that one/both ships take on water - What happens then?
All Seafarer's have the right to carry out (An already dangerous job) at sea. The people onboard the whaling vessel might not entirely agree with whaling, nor do they have an interest in the job at hand - It may only be for the money.

Sea Shepard would make a better case for themselves if they didn't broadcast their actions, nor were they to use force which could potentially put both Party's lives at risk - That in itself is irresponsible of the master, whether or not he/she, or the crew are willing to go ahead with it.
The programme on TV also comes accross as being very "Staged", Like Dave said, and what I said earlier, it's all for the camera, and whether or not the Viewing figures, and Money figures stack up in an office somewhere in London/(Or wherever in America it may be).

I'm not saying Whaling is right - Nor am I saying what Sea Shepard do is wrong. I'm only looking at it from a practical, and Seafarer's point of view.

Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Wave Music on October 30, 2009, 12:15:29
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: saltydog on October 30, 2009, 14:15:05
In essence I agree with Dave and Jack..Sorry for my blunt comment earlier..
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: siso7 on October 30, 2009, 19:01:54
I agree with you there, Jack!
Good post with good arguments too!  :thumbs:
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Agent|Austin on October 30, 2009, 19:10:16
Jack, what about the part that Chickens are not endangered, and are farmed for eating. And whales are extremely endangered.
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 30, 2009, 19:21:07
this topic seems usless what are we talking about any way

Perhaps it would be advantageous to review the content of the subject in hand before projecting an opinion to the worth of the dialogue.

Jack, what about the part that Chickens are not endangered, and are farmed for eating. And whales are extremely endangered.
I, for one, am not certain I follow your line of thinking here. Whales are, so we are told, endangered. Chickens are bred for the food chain- we are not talking about hunting chickens to extinction, are we? Or are we? Or are you suggesting that we send ships across farms to ram tractors...  ;D
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Dave M on October 30, 2009, 20:31:06
Well said Jack. :thumbs:

Regards, Dave
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Agent|Austin on October 30, 2009, 21:12:31
F.Y.I. the Sea Sheperd's main office is in Australia, Jack.
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Dave M on October 30, 2009, 22:32:58
Hi AA,
And which TV channel is financing it?

Is the company that owns this vessel a registered charity?

Regards, Dave
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Ballast on October 30, 2009, 22:52:03
According to Equasis Shea Shepherd UK, Londen is the registered owner. Yet she flyes the Dutch flag and has Rotterdam as port of register.

Fancy detail, Lloyd's Register has withdrawn on her as classification society  ;D
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Dave M on October 30, 2009, 23:47:49
I had a look around and found that in fact it is a privately funded organisation, you can make donations if you go to their web site;

Hi Ballast,
I'm not surprised that Lloyds won't underwrite her. If a ship is used to deliberately ram other ships then I can't think of anyone who would want to insure her.

Hi AA,
I think that most of us here agree with their motives, but I think their methods are not right.
They claim on their own website that they have sunk 10 ships.

regards, Dave
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Ballast on October 30, 2009, 23:58:02
Hi Ballast,
I'm not surprised that Lloyds won't underwrite her. If a ship is used to deliberately ram other ships then I can't think of anyone who would want to insure her.

Hi AA,
I think that most of us here agree with their motives, but I think their methods are not right.
They claim on their own website that they have sunk 10 ships.

regards, Dave

I wonder how she passes the Port State Inspection if she doesnt have a classification society  :-\

Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Jammy on October 31, 2009, 02:04:21
I just watched the Whale Wars themed South Park episode, wasn't too happy on the way they voiced their opinions on both parties. The Japanese aren't crazed idiots who are holding a vendetta from world war 2, and Sea Shepherd aren't people who can't think of ideas on what to do and just trying to please the camera.
I hate it when South Park mock current events, their fictional stories are much more interesting than their versions of reality.

And their version of Paul Watson was pathetic, he's an honourable man who they have turned into a joke. They could've at least spoofed Peter Brown...
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 31, 2009, 08:32:41
I wonder how she passes the Port State Inspection if she doesnt have a classification society  :-\

Probably registered and insured by dodgyistan, somewhere in an unknown land in an unexplored and unseen continent.

I just watched the Whale Wars themed South Park episode, wasn't too happy on the way they voiced their opinions on both parties. The Japanese aren't crazed idiots who are holding a vendetta from world war 2, and Sea Shepherd aren't people who can't think of ideas on <snip>

Jammy, I've read many of your points and thought some of them quite good, so why spoil it now? I don't think people watch South Park for a realistic overview of current affairs. Or historic ones for that matter.

Incidentally, honourable people (and I don't know who he is to form an opinion either way) seldom get turned into jokes by kids cartoons; their reputation rises above it- or sinks below it, whichever is the case.
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Stuart2007 on December 20, 2009, 11:13:23
Apparently the whales marched the hunters to a carriage in the forest of Compiegne(France) to sign their surrender...
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: IRI5HJ4CK on December 20, 2009, 11:35:04
One problem Wales is not at war.


Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Wave Music on December 20, 2009, 11:37:23
One problem Wales is not at war.

Only Chris-S1 will understand you as you're both dyslexic!
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Stuart2007 on December 20, 2009, 11:40:35
One problem Wales is not at war.

Oh yes, chortle, chortle... That's the first time anyone has made the comparison. How DID you think it up?  ::)
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Ballast on December 20, 2009, 13:09:35
Probably registered and insured by dodgyistan, somewhere in an unknown land in an unexplored and unseen continent.

Not sure if you want to describe the Netherlands like that, since she fly the Dutch flag.  ::)
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: The Ferry Man on December 20, 2009, 14:06:40
Oh yes, chortle, chortle... That's the first time anyone has made the comparison. How DID you think it up?  ::)

This from Mr Chrismas... Mr Eroutunnl...
Title: Re: wale wars
Post by: Stuart2007 on December 20, 2009, 17:20:54
Not sure if you want to describe the Netherlands like that, since she fly the Dutch flag.  ::)
That surprises me, Ballast. I would have thought the Dutch would be more strict. I suppose every country has its share of questionable vessels.

This from Mr Chrismas... Mr Eroutunnl...
what are you on about now, Mr Tim?