Ship Simulator

English forum => Ship Simulator 2008 => General discussions => Topic started by: wellemberg on August 12, 2009, 19:36:07

Title: Fansites
Post by: wellemberg on August 12, 2009, 19:36:07
Hi i´m new to shipsim, and i was wondering if any of you guys knew where to find some fansites with addons, you know like just for shipsim!?

It seems to me that there is a bit too far between the harbours so it would be cool to find some user created addons.

Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: Wave Music on August 12, 2009, 19:43:10
Here ('s the main fansite where you can find addons. ;D

For low quality usermade addons go to Virtual Sailor. ;)
Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: Mad_Fred on August 12, 2009, 21:05:25
That's not a fansite, that's the official site.  ;)

Welcome to the forum. Wellemberg.

This simulation game does not have an open structure like other simulators. The only addons are released by the developers. This doesn't mean 3rd party artists do not help in the creation, but you can only add ships in cooperation with VSTEP.

As such, there are no sites to download free new ships from.

If you allready own the game, and register your license key in your forum profile, you will however find a download link to a free new vessel, that Vstep released as a present to us all. And there are two new vessels in any version over 1.1. too.

Other than that, it is payware.

Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: Agent|Austin on August 12, 2009, 22:56:13
there is the creator forum that has some new ship dynamics (reduced draft and such)

Found here:
Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: TJK on August 12, 2009, 23:33:29
there is the creator forum that has some new ship dynamics (reduced draft and such)

Found here:

and right now  There are a total of 130 missions & updates available for download!
Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: cptnchris on August 12, 2009, 23:38:12
jeez, i wish my internet would let me on it... i still get a runtime error. you gave me most of them though tore. i would be testing them out but i have to reinstall by ss08 game when i get back to missouri. i dont know why but when  i restored my computer becouse it got all messed up, ss08 wasnt intalled yet so idk.
Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: firestar12 on August 13, 2009, 01:19:09
Why did you restore it?
Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: cptnchris on August 13, 2009, 02:42:55
refresh? yea i did.
Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: wellemberg on August 13, 2009, 11:47:51
That´s too bad, it should be more like flight sim from microsoft, that would definately attract more people to this sim! maybe in ss10 perhaps!?
Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: Mad_Fred on August 13, 2009, 16:12:42
Well.. the people that are good enough to create models that are suited for this game, quality wise, allready can contribute.

So no one is stopping the creative addon builders from making ships.  ;D
Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: wellemberg on August 15, 2009, 21:48:25
see what you mean, but where are those guys who can build ships and inviroments!? I´ve seen a few in this forum, but none of them, has made their ships downloadable yet, someone should make a website for user created shipsim addons, don´t you think?
Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: wellemberg on August 15, 2009, 21:56:42
Mad_fred, i´ve just seen the models you´ve been working on, when will the rest of us be able to download those beauties!?
Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: Wave Music on August 15, 2009, 22:22:48
Propper quality models are going through the VSTEP team & arrives at the Shipyard or in patches or come with the game itself.
Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: The Ferry Man on August 15, 2009, 22:34:26
see what you mean, but where are those guys who can build ships and inviroments!? I´ve seen a few in this forum, but none of them, has made their ships downloadable yet, someone should make a website for user created shipsim addons, don´t you think?

Most of the Vessels Users make don't come up to the high standards of SS, which involve a lot of working making other bits that aren't visible (such as damage models, etc)

If you want downloadble ships VS is the game... (A lot of boats here end up there...)

Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: matt5674 on August 16, 2009, 06:11:15
Hi i´m new to shipsim, and i was wondering if any of you guys knew where to find some fansites with addons, you know like just for shipsim!?

It seems to me that there is a bit too far between the harbours so it would be cool to find some user created addons.

Maybe not a Addon Fansite but how about just a fansite, I'm Gonna be making a Ship Sim Fansite with But I have to get used to it first so I will make it with enough info and a good style to make it a fansite, so it is expected on Christmas morning at 8:00 A.M. in the United States, as a christmas gift for us all from me :thumbs:
Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: Captain Darling on August 16, 2009, 17:51:18
Maybe not a Addon Fansite but how about just a fansite, I'm Gonna be making a Ship Sim Fansite with But I have to get used to it first so I will make it with enough info and a good style to make it a fansite, so it is expected on Christmas morning at 8:00 A.M. in the United States, as a christmas gift for us all from me :thumbs:
Good luck, 10MB is nothing to work on. :-\

I'd suggest, I know I shouldn't and alot of web nerds would disagree. But it's the best service for beginners who want free websites.
Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: matt5674 on August 16, 2009, 20:02:28
thanks Captain Darling,
here is a preview of the fansite at
it has DJM's SS06 and SS08 videos and the SS10 trailer at the bottom. But I'll see what has with making websites
Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: matt5674 on August 20, 2009, 20:52:11
I got the fansite up but not on the internet yet. Here is Version 1 of it, it is a bit glitched, but perfect:
The background couldn't work but made a perfect tranclucent-like background on the ship pictures. Version 2 comes on September 10, 2009, Version 3 is the final verion, the Christmas Edition, comes out December 5, 2009.
Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: Nathan|C on August 21, 2009, 09:48:30
It's a nice website, but where did you hear that the Panama Canal would be included?
Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: ccr-lover on August 21, 2009, 15:30:24
Not a fan site as such, but some pics from ShipSim under the Foto (Photo) link: (
Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: matt5674 on August 21, 2009, 20:04:22
Not a fan site as such, but some pics from ShipSim under the Foto (Photo) link: (
this is version 1 of my fansite, version 2 will include a photo section, a forum section, and a updated home page. the main gitch is in the tab bar, it says Titanic fansite, cause I was making a Titanic fansite, webstars kept the name the same but you get te idea. version 3, The Christmas Edition will have 3 new sections, one for SS06, SS08 and SS10. The title on each page will have Christmas Edition 2009 on it. I will have a TinyPic render of the Christmas Edition 2009 title. I will edit this post to have the render :thumbs:
Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: matt5674 on August 30, 2009, 07:56:31
New page!
Now you all can leave comments on giving me help on giving me some improvement ideas to improve the site before version 2. Before you can reply on the page, you need to click the blue lettering to open it. You must put your name in where it says 'Guest' and you can put your improvement idea on your comment:
Background improvements are not likely. and Here is the design of Version 2 of the Fansite's Logo in the Attachment. Close to the Impact Italics design on the name of the Games.
EDIT: Attachment won't work for me so Here is a TinyPic version, Don't bother clicking the Attachment:
Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: Mad_Fred on August 30, 2009, 14:42:29
Mad_fred, i´ve just seen the models you´ve been working on, when will the rest of us be able to download those beauties!?

Sorry, I missed this remark back there.  :doh:

I do not know yet. This is just the modeling stage. But that's only the tip of the iceberg. There's much, much more to it than just making a model, you cannot just stick a finished model in a game, it takes weeks or rather months of hard work to get it all done so that it will have all the necessary jobs done to make it actually work in a game.

So, I cannot guanrantee anything, I just do modeling myself, not the rest of it. Depends on wether or not I can manage some other jobs that need to be done, that I have no experience with, and wether or not Vstep even wants them, and has the time and manpower to do their part of the jobs.


Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: firestar12 on August 30, 2009, 18:47:40
New page!
Now you all can leave comments on giving me help on giving me some improvement ideas to improve the site before version 2. Before you can reply on the page, you need to click the blue lettering to open it. You must put your name in where it says 'Guest' and you can put your improvement idea on your comment:
Background improvements are not likely. and Here is the design of Version 2 of the Fansite's Logo in the Attachment. Close to the Impact Italics design on the name of the Games.
EDIT: Attachment won't work for me so Here is a TinyPic version, Don't bother clicking the Attachment:
Erm...I guess I'll be the one to say this. Do we really need another fansite? There are about 50 more out there. :P
Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: Wave Music on August 30, 2009, 18:52:11
Indeed.  What could be wrong with this site that mostly each of you want to create their own fansite/forum? 
Wait...   Each one wants to feel him self in admin/mod chair, I reckon.  Like "I'm the allmighty admin of my site & I can do whatever I want on my site!", right?  :P
Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: firestar12 on August 30, 2009, 18:55:39
Indeed.  What could be wrong with this site that mostly each of you want to create their own fansite/forum? 
Wait...   Each one wants to feel him self in admin/mod chair, I reckon.  Like "I'm the allmighty admin of my site & I can do whatever I want on my site!", right?  :P
We call that "Ego". ;D
Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: ccr-lover on August 30, 2009, 22:14:57
We call that "Ego". ;D

Not right at all! Check out my site. Lotsa things about modelkits and a tiny bit of ShipSim  8)
Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: firestar12 on September 01, 2009, 22:14:38
We were talking about ones that are entire new shipsim forums. Not your site. My website for example, has nothing to do with ShipSim. I'm annoyed by people who try to copy the ShipSim rules. Some of those sites out there have copied and pasted the forum rules, word for word, and have even made their own POTM contests, using Fred's words in his topic. I am offended when people do that. Of course, I doubt your site, ccr lover, does any of that, and I'm sure it is a fine website. :)
Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: TJK on September 01, 2009, 22:37:46
We were talking about ones that are entire new shipsim forums. Not your site. My website for example, has nothing to do with ShipSim. I'm annoyed by people who try to copy the ShipSim rules. Some of those sites out there have copied and pasted the forum rules, word for word, and have even made their own POTM contests, using Fred's words in his topic. I am offended when people do that. Of course, I doubt your site, ccr lover, does any of that, and I'm sure it is a fine website. :)

Maybe they have asked Fred to do so? Have you asked him about that?
like mine multi play servers, they are running under the V-step's official rules and yes i have asked  :police:
Title: Re: Fansites
Post by: Mad_Fred on September 01, 2009, 22:44:32
Well, if they ask me, they would get permission, cause I'm not one to say no to that, if it means it helps them.... but apart from one or two guys, no one ever really asked me anything. Yet I do see copied text -from me and from other staff members or Vstep themselves, on many many fanforums.  :-\

Even Vstep is not too strict about having stuff like the official rules copied onto a fan forum..  But people just don't seem to ask nicely first in the majority of cases, but just grab what they need and use it.

I can't say that I approve.  :-\

But as I said, there are exceptions, where it's asked first, and granted.  :thumbs:
