Hi All

A few weeks ago I decided to produce a little magazine for ShipSim. I first got the general idea from the VS forum, however I've tried to expand on that idea and include more in it. This issue doesn't have a huge amount in however I have big plans to expand if you guys like it.
I'd like to say a huge thank you to NathanC who provided all the pics except for the cover picture and for his wonderful article on PoR.
Please download and please give feedback on it, what you think and if you have any ideas. It really would be much appreciated!
If anyone is interested in writing a column about there experiences on multiplayer or write a review of there favourite ship please drop me a PM. Also send me a message if you have any ideas for stuff to include in the magazine!
Edit by Mark/Frank:
1. Download it from the VSTEP webservers (http://forum.shipsim.com/Uploads/Ship Sim Magazine Issue 1.pdf)!
2. Download it from FILEFRONT (http://www.filefront.com/14436971/Ship-Sim-Magazine-Issue-1.pdf/)!
So once again your honest opinion on where it could be improved etc would be much appreciated and thanks to Nathan again!

Oh and I plan to release an issue monthly.

Enjoy reading!
Mike / SA