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Author Topic: kick votes???  (Read 9983 times)


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Re: kick votes???
« Reply #25 on: September 10, 2008, 19:16:51 »

Gosh, I remember this thread. Seems so long ago...

If you didn't mean to sink or damage someone and you appologise (a lot!), you generally shouldn't get kicked off. But, other players do have the right to expect not to be damaged through someone else's carelessness.

If they've spent an hour getting through to where they wanted to be and you sink them (even by accident), I can understand the emotions getting high.

"just a game".


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Re: kick votes???
« Reply #26 on: January 01, 2013, 22:30:49 »

If you kick someone off a server can the person causing the trouble come back to the same server, or do they have to wait a while before they can access the server?


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Re: kick votes???
« Reply #27 on: January 02, 2013, 18:26:06 »

If you kick someone off a server can the person causing the trouble come back to the same server, or do they have to wait a while before they can access the server?

In case of being kicked from the server, you can immediately join the server again from which you have been kicked. It would be better that after a kick, you can't join the server again for about 10 minutes. That would be a good punishment.
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