Thank you very much for your interest and the continued support. While prepping for finals and recovering from a sinus infection (EWWWWWW) which has had me in the hospital, progress has been slow but it has been in development. As I get further along I will see if VStep will allow me to release samples of the guide.
Hi Aries,
Reading through the thread the information wanted already falls into the categories:-
- all vessels in real life
- particular vessels in real life
- Location (This might mean country. It might mean location within a country if the rules change within a particular country. In SS2008 program terms it might mean 'Environment'.)
If separate collections of data were made it would be hard to keep them consistent. The information would seem best collected in spreadsheet or database form so that the data need be entered only once. The data to include fields for Yes/no as to whether it felt into each category. From this database the information could be obtained in any one category. If say the info on the Aries Rescue Vessel was required a sort of the spreadsheet on Vessel type would bring it all together.
To start off I suggest that this forum be used to collect the data. Members submit the data to this topic then it is edited and included in a spreadsheet or database to which a link is provided in a sticky entry at the top of this topic. Form of entry top be:-
- Real Life (Y/N)
- SS2006 (Y/N)
- SS2008 (Y/N)
- All vessels Y/N
- Vessel Type (Selected from a 'dropdown' list if it is an SS2006/8 vessel to ensure consistency.)
- All locations (Y/N)
- Particular country name selected from a 'dropdown' list (if not 'All locations)
- Particular location/SS environment (If varies within classifications already made. SS environments to be selected from a 'dropdown' list.)
- Source: It is important to state the source as if there are conflicts this makes it easier to resolve them.
- Text.
The information already provided in this topic could be used to test the idea. Hopefully 'Cut and Paste' will reduce the work if you adopt any of these ideas. An advantage is that you can start with a little data to pilot your system. Another is that you do not have to be personally responsible for all the data, an impossible task. BrianG