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Author Topic: If Christmas, is not your things, then.  (Read 2831 times)


  • Forum member
  • Posts: 33
If Christmas, is not your things, then.
« on: December 24, 2017, 05:35:58 »

From the 54 odd yr old. Aussie from DownUnder. (Pardon, if this all sound like a kid, talking. Whoops!)
Then, Happy Holidays to you (and your God.) and if all that fails, hey, then have a good New Year, instead.
Be safe and well and do kind things to all about you. And as often as possible.
And not just on the 25th of Dec.
If driving or riding etc. Stay off the Phone or Booze or Spambot.
If not, just don't end up in hospital or worse!
Wish we could all prevent wars, too.
Anyway, take care of eachother, O.K! Got it, then good.
Or wait till Boxing Day or the New Year. Ha!
It's going to be a hee! balmy 20.C here, in Nth Geelong. Tomorrow 25th Dec. (not like last year around 36.C.)
Take care all. See Ya!
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