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Author Topic: Re-skinning or Repainting SSE ship liveries and paint-schemes should be welcome  (Read 12039 times)


  • Forum member
  • Posts: 1

The re-skining / repainting in microsoft's train and flight simulator is what made them a great sim for the virtual railroads and airlines that are out there and keeped the sims going strong i have both a virtual railroad and airline both are fictional companies. One idea is to do the fictional repaints for those that want to operate a virtual ship line or let us do them but can't post the repaint for others to use. !:)

Mr Robville

  • Administrator
  • Posts: 2937

Hi and welcome to the forum!

Not too long ago we've kind of made a tolerance regarding the modification of ship's textures. There is a new board created for this: http://forum.shipsim.com/index.php/board,124.0.html

In a nutshell, you are allowed to repaint various ships in SSE. The only condition is that if you post your modification here on the forum, it must remain true to the authenticity of any real vessel. This because Vstep is in contract with a number of ship owners who have their ship placed ingame and do not want to see their ships painted pink with skulls and flames on it. For fictional ships this is of course less of an issue as long as you keep it decent.  ;)

For private use, go as you please but remember that technical support is seized when you start altering content unless you make a clean reinstall of your game.
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