I finally found a HOTAS config (hands on throttle and stick), with a Saitek X45 set. This one lets me drive and manouvers almost any ship (except the Red Eagle) very accurately, without needing the keyboard nore the mouse.
I don't use the X45 set like in Flight Sims (where I use the throttle at my left hand and the stick at the right one). And,as you can see, the throttle is turned 90°.
The stick is used only for manoeuvering fast ships (the red jet for example), when you need to give a brief full throttle with full rudder for berthing. But the buttons on it are used for interface controls (camera switching, and the hat for camera rotations).
The most original and important config is about the throttle. In fact, I use what is usually the throttle for rudders. The two wheels are used for port and starboard engines. And the two others buttons are used for bow and aft thrusters (particularly appreciated with the Sherpa, which is the only ship for now that uses two thrusters).
This pic will help understanding :
1: The throttle axis is used for the rudders (the only thing I miss is two separated rudder controls
2: This wheel is used for right engine power
3. This one for left engine power
4: This button is used for setting bow thrusters power (The little black button just beside is used to activate the precision steering mode when using the bow thruster command, that lets me set my thruster power even when I'm not pushin the button)
5: This one is used for aft thrusters.
If you own a X45 or X52, give a try to a similar config ... With this you'll be able to berth with a millimetric precision, and without touching your keyboard :-)