I just upgraded as well- and built it myself!
(never have done that before)
i5-2500k at 3.8 (working on the overclock now, looking for 4.5 or so on air), 16g DDR3 Vengence ram, two 1TB Hard drives, GTX470 (down from the 2, but i think i will upgrade this in the spring as well along with the psu), Win7 64, Dell 24" LCD @ 1920x1200x32, 5.1 surround speakers.
I tried to recycle as much from my dell as i could but the new p8p67 board didnt fit in the old case, and the old PSU didnt fit into my new coolermaster 932 case, so i had to get a new PSU for the time being, and take one video card out. not overly concerned by it - things are running so smoothly (and quiet/cool) as compared to the dell.