But if you pull the plug, or not allow internet access...?
I imagine it still wouldn't work, because the game cannot access the internet in order to activate, so the game itself may reject the license key, because it can't check to see if it's valid or not.Like I said, I am just assuming of course
Sorry if this is a daft question, but does this mean we need a steam account to install the game?
We're the cool group
But what if you didn't have internet access?
Then you wouldn't be posting on the forum!
Paradox boxed versions require STEAM and a one time internet activation (after this one time activation you can then play the game offline without internet activation every next time you play it.)The other boxed versions don't have STEAM integration.
So can Sonarman not play it til Friday then?and what if you have never heard of Steam before today?*Like me...
Nope, the door is locked! Gives me time to build my new system anyway and see the game at it's best, at least I can look at the manual & polish the box!
not very fair - paid 40 euros and can't play the game...
Of course it is. The game has not been officially released anyway it's just Sonarman has the game in physical form
Ah right I see, so download versions you wouldn't need to make an account on Steam?
Well the date was a few days back...
That is correct. Unless you buy the download version directly from steam (www.steampowered.com) of course.
That's ok I have a toddler to entertain in the meantime... she keeps me very busy!
This must be the quickest a topic has reached 5 pages of posts
You should finish the computer first