I am still here
Wake up sleepy
Eh? Who? What? Where? What happened?
befor i go something is weird evry time i see wm post a mesage i click his profile and it says hes offline WEIRD
Oh... Sorry about that. Such forum silence makes me sleee;[
HEY WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*turns megaphone on*
SpamThis isn't actually spam, I'm just saying I got a warning for spamming, before I get another warning about this being spam when actually it isnt spam, so ok, its not spam
Oh yes - I remember...Well it was nice knowing you Tractorman...
my pc had a big crash i was playing ship sim it locked up and my screend turnd blu and a bnch of numbers and letters showed up then it said windows has shutdown to prevent further damage nad i turnd my pc of is any on out there to help me