Looking very good!
But the main reason for my post, is I would just like to warn anybody
NOT to go to any of the cruise line websites under the Carnival Corporation for Spain.
Obviously not many people will probably go on it, but if you search google and you like an image it might come from there.
But it's a very, very, extremely nasty little
bu devil. An evil trojan has infected pretty much every subsidary of the Carnival Corp for Spain. Me myself have got infected numerous times, luckily I have a good anti-virus that blocks it immideately.
But all the websites seem to redirect to a website called "Un Mundo De Cruceros" (AVOID IT LIKE THE PLAGUE!) which is the main problem.
It has been like that for a month now, I thought, nah Carnival will fix it. But nope, so I'm going to write a big complaint letter tommorow morning.
Here is the report: http://www.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=www.unmundodecruceros.com/companias/cia_home.asp%3Ftab%3D2%26cia%3D15
Please be careful!
Kind Regards
Atención Españoles...
Traduce lo de arriba, hay una problema muy fuerte con el seguridad del web anterior, puede permitir un virus o trojan en tu ordenador.