hello all, i've just got back from my day at thorpe park with the school, everywhere i go it's always very eventful.
well todays adventure started at 7:30am we got on the red falcon, nothing wrong with that. got on our coaches we were jelous that we did't get the double decker one, no need to worry, it broke down just outside of southampton on the moterway. they had a 2 hour wait while we were in thorpe park and our coach went back to get them. stealth is amazing, same with nemesis inferno.
by then the coach company had arranged another coach and we got back without any hicups, on the way out of soton we were on Red osprey, Red Eagle has been damaged by a fishing line and is in a dry dock in portsmouth. and we followed QM2 and shainghai highway(dunno how to spell) out.
attached a pic of RJ4 at about 8:00